Harvard Today: May 15, 2015

Happy Friday, Harvard! We’re almost to the end! In the midst of cramming for finals and trying to pack up in time to get in-house storage, we hope you have some time to appreciate how far we’ve come this year. Whether this is your first go-round, you’re done with college, or anywhere in between, Harvard has given us something special. Finals aren’t the be-all-end-all, so take a minute to relax and enjoy this time. Have a great summer, Harvard, and see you in the fall!
Catch of the Day
Chicken Tikka Masala
Sweet Onion & Pepper Panini
Coq Au Vin
Provencal Cod
Ratatouille with Chickpeas
It’s really sunny and a high of 72 degrees today! Soak up the sun, that is unless you’re trapped for three straight hours in a room today taking a final.
1) Dunster Students Push for Tutor’s Return: “Amid more public concerns over BGLTQ support in Dunster House, at least 160 students have signed a petition calling for the reinstatement of current resident tutor Avik Chatterjee, whom many students have praised for his role as BGLTQ advocate and ally.”
2) On Farkas Stage, Alumni and Faust Talk 'Whiplash': “Three College alumni spoke about the road to creating and producing the award-winning film “Whiplash” at panel introduced by University President Drew G. Faust on Wednesday.”
3) Francis Doyle, Professor at UCSB, Named Next SEAS Dean: “Francis J. Doyle III, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of California at Santa Barbara, will lead the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences as its next dean starting August 1, taking the helm in the midst of the school’s scheduled move to Allston.”
Teleheath — A discussion about how new technologies are transforming healthcare. 12:30 p.m. in the Leadership Studio of the Kresge Building.
Tour of Houghton Library — No reservations are required for this public tour of Houghton at 2 p.m.
Storm Children, Book One — The Harvard Film Archive will be showing Lav Diaz’s latest feature at 7 p.m. It is $12 for the special event tickets.