Harvard Today: April 8, 2015

Happy Hump Day! Congratulations on surviving half of this week. Good thing we have another half to go, am I right? If you are running out of fun things to do today, why don’t you celebrate a national holiday and draw a bird? Yes, that’s right. Today is Draw a Picture of a Bird Day. Now that spring has arrived, you have many species of birds to choose from: seasonal birds like cardinals and robins, but also perennial favorites like pigeons. There is no shortage of pigeons in the Square, so grab your favorite gray crayon and start drawing!
Today we will be experiencing highs of 41 degrees and lows of 34 degrees, so summer is nowhere in sight. Also, with a 20% chance of rain, you don’t want to leave your umbrella too far away.
Dan Dan Noodles
Smoked Turkey Panini on Wheat Flatbread
Margarita Pizza on Multigrain Crust
Beef Shepherd’s Pie
Butter Chicken
Vegan Shepherd Pie with Cashew Crew Sauce
1) Getting to Know the Intrinsics: Learn more about one of the bands that will be opening at Yardfest (and getting to perform on the same stage as Jessie J!).
2) HUPD Police Log 3/1 - 3/31: From falling icicles to annoying faxes, HUPD has had their hands full the last couple of weeks.
1) Faculty Approve Theatre Concentration, Affirmation of Integrity: “After more than a year of drafting and debate, members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences unanimously voted in favor of legislation that will require students at the College to make an affirmation of integrity at the beginning of each semester, as well as on final papers and examinations, starting next fall.”
2) Freshman Advising Fortnight Garners Mixed Response: “While some freshmen said they have appreciated the opportunity to explore the College’s 48 concentrations during the annual Advising Fortnight, others called the events impersonal and poorly timed during midterm season.”
3) Judge Strikes Dershowitz Allegations from Record: “A Florida federal judge struck from the record allegations of sexual misconduct against Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan M. Dershowitz on Monday. The judge will not allow “Jane Doe No. 3,” who has claimed that Dershowitz had sex with her while she was underage, from entering the ongoing federal court case as a party, though she can still testify as a witness.”
1) Freshman Fencer Wins World Junior Saber Title: “After finishing tied for third at the NCAA championships two weeks ago, freshman fencer Eli Dershwitz won the World Junior Saber Title on Tuesday at the Cadet and Junior World Championships held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.”
Today the IOP Internships and Career Services will be holding office hours for people to come learn and ask questions about careers in public service in IOP L278 from 2-4 p.m.
Today Matt Lira will be holding his study group, Modernizing Our Democracy: The Political and Policy Implications of the Digital Age, where he will discuss “Citizenville--Government as a Platform” featuring Jascha Franklin-Hodge, Chief Information Officer at City of Boston. This event will take place in the Faculty Dining Room of the Harvard Kennedy School at 4 p.m.
Today Senator Kay R. Hagan will be holding her study group, Money in Politics: How the New Norms Affect Campaigns, Legislation, and Political Life, where she will discuss “Lobbyists and Their Impact on Public Policy” featuring Heather Podesta, founder of Heather Podesta + Partners. This event will take place in Littauer 166 of the Harvard Kennedy School at 4 p.m.
Today there will be an Undergraduate Pizza and Politics event on “Venezuela’s Economy: What the Future Holds,” featuring a discussion with Ricardo Hausmann, the Professor of the Practice of Economic Development and Director of the Center for International Development. This event will take place in the Allison Dining Room on the fifth floor of the Taubman Building of the Harvard Kennedy School at 6 p.m.
Today the Harvard Political Union will be hosting its Undergraduate Debate: Is Capitalism Good? where Harvard students will be debating the resolution: “Capitalism Does More Good than Harm.” This event will take place in Sever 113 at 7 p.m.
Today the Harvard-Radcliffe Chinese Students Association will be hosting Mulan and the Three Panda Bears Study Break, featuring Chinese soups and congee, at 7 p.m. in Grays Common Room.