Harvard Today: April 21, 2015

Happy Tuesday, Harvard! Only seven more days of classes; hang in there! That’s one week of spending all of section in the back row on Facebook, skipping lecture because you’re sure you will watch it online before the final, and finishing a pset right as you’re supposed to be turning it in. It is definitely that point in the semester, but we can make this one final push to the end.
Red Spiced Chicken Breast
Shrimp & Monterey Quesadilla with Peppers & Tomato
Tofu Panaeng Curry
Baked Cod with a Lemon Mushroom Sauce
Mesquite Rotisserie Chicken
Today is going to be mostly cloudy, but by the end of the day the sun should be out in full force!
1) The Flyby Matchmaker, Part Two: The Weather and Harvard Geography — Flyby Matchmaker is at it again!!!
- Bombing Memories Still Lingering, Harvard Affiliates Run Marathon — “Two years after two bombings left the Boston Marathon’s finish line in chaos in 2013, more than a dozen Harvard students, faculty, and affiliates took to the 26.2 mile Marathon course on Monday, the recent conviction of bomber Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev on their minds.”
- Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison To Deliver Six Campus Lectures — “The Mahindra Humanities Center has named prominent American novelist and Nobel laureate Toni Morrison the 2016 Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry.”
- Students Plan Involvement in 2016 Elections — “As the early field of candidates for the 2016 presidential election takes shape, Harvard undergraduates say they are looking to engage with the upcoming race through political groups on campus and internships on campaigns.”
- Harvard Business Publishing To Relocate to Brighton — “Harvard Business Publishing—a publishing platform under the University that prints Harvard Business Review among other material focused on management—will relocate its headquarters from its current location in Watertown to Boston Landing, a new complex in Brighton, to achieve more space for its expansion.”
Food, Inc. — The HDS Green Team will be showing Food, Inc. at 11:30 a.m. in the Braun Room in Andover Hall.
Media & Politics: What's Next? — the Shorenstein Fellows will be speaking at 12 p.m. in room 275 of Taubman Building.
Getting to Yes (or No) — Making Ballot Initiatives More Voter-Friendly and Deliberative. A panel discussion on the Citizens’ Initiative Review at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at 4:10 p.m.
Poetry Reading — Mary Dalton will be reading her poetry at 5 p.m. in Fong Auditorium.
Collectors and Dealers - The Trade of Egyptian Antiquities — The Harvard Semitic Museum will be hosting a talk at 6 p.m. in Yenching Auditorium.
Miss Representation — Miss Representation will be playing in the Women’s Center at 7:45 p.m., followed by a discussion of the film with Lisa Levey.