DataMatch: The Solution to Being Forever Alone?

If you’re anything like us, the emails/posters/Facebook posts about DataMatch made it sound like the answer to all of your prayers. No need to deal with actual messy social interaction when a highly sophisticated algorithm could find your on-campus soulmate for you! But you know what they say: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. How could questions about our (nonexistent) sex lives described as diseases and World Cup teams indicate which of the 6000 other students at Harvard is the person of our dreams?
We at Flyby would like to offer an equally scientific survey to help you find a Valentine. Just send your answers to us and we’ll be in touch. ;)
1. What website do you frequent the most?
a, Facebook: Living vicariously through your friends who go to state schools
b. YouTube: Enjoying some nice videos
c. RedTube: Enjoying some naughty videos
d. Harvard Gmail: Frantically pubbing emails to all your listservs, you overzealous Haardvark
e. MySpace: Literally who are you
2. Who is your ideal Harry Potter SO?
a. Neville Longbottom: That nerdy middle school loser who transformed overnight into an unattainable hunk you pine for every night
b. Ginny Weasley: Fierce, independent, and much better over text than in real life (Book Ginny vs Movie Ginny)
c. Albus Dumbledore: Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever all the time, but you still love him anyway for some unfathomable reason
d. Luna Lovegood: She’s been sipping some of that Gurdyroot infusion, if you know what I mean ;)
e. Peter Pettigrew: So adorable you’ll want to keep him as a pet and even sleep with him (in more ways than one) at night, until you wake up the next morning completely sober and realize he’s a traitor who sold your parents to Voldemort
3. Which restaurant would you side with in the ultimate burrito showdown of Harvard Square?
a. Qdoba: Convenience over quality is probably your life motto
b. Chipotle: You know it’s worth the walk for your one true love
c. Felipe’s: The new location is pretty romantic
d. Boloco: You’re clearly insane
e. 24 Hour Market: Don’t you know that a wrap isn’t the same thing as a burrito?