Harvard Today: November 12, 2015

Hello Harvard, it’s Thursday and we are this much closer to the weekend— whew. On this day in 1933, Hugh Gray took the first known photos alleged to be of the Loch Ness Monster. If the rain keeps up, perhaps you too could spot the elusive creature lurking in a puddle in the Yard. Be sure to snap a photo and send it to Flyby.
Hope you’re not sick of the rain yet. With highs of 54 and lows of 45, it’ll be slightly warmer than the day before, but just as wet.
Asian BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Vegetable Lo Mein with Tofu
Roasted Russet Potato Wedges
Cider Roasted Pork Loin
Community Night - Chicken
5 Cheese Tortellini with Spinach & Mushroom
Scalloped Potatoes
Declare Your Concentrations, Says a Paperless Post
Be There. Be Declared. That's the name of the event that also came with a fancy Paperless Post.
Best Uses of BoardPlus, Part Three: Barker Cafe, A Non-Pretentious Review (I Promise)
Third installment of Flyby's series on the best ways to use up your BoardPlus (aka feel guilty using Crimson Cash).
Get the coffeecoffeecoffee– Flyby on Gilmore Girls Coming Back
If you need a pick-up line for the cute person in section
“This thing we’re doing here, me, you, I just want you to know that I’m in. I am all in.” (Luke Danes, “Written in the Stars”)
Friendly Reminder: Get Your Harvard-Yale Tickets
Where and when to get them, plus how much they are. You're very welcome, Harvard.
The Diversity Issue
Fifteen Minutes Magazine explores the state of diversity at Harvard by examining the past and present.
Ben Lerner & Geoffrey O'Brien
Amidst the chatter, two men slip into the auditorium. The Stratis Haviaras Reading, co-sponsored by the English Department and the Woodberry Poetry Room, is about to start.
What Concentration to Declare, Based on Free Trips
Are you interested in sponges, mollusks, and arthropods? (Follow-up question: Do you even know what they are?) If yes, join OEB 51 and prepare to learn a LOT more about invertebrates—while enjoying the glowing sun, crystal blue waters, and soft white sand of the Caribbean for a week over spring break.
Students Weigh In on Protests at Yale and Mizzou
In the wake of student demonstrations against racism at Yale and the University of Missouri at Columbia, dozens of Harvard undergraduates weighed in both on social media and in person on Wednesday, with many declaring their support for the movements on those campuses.
Harvard Medical School Launches Arts Initiative
The “Arts&Humanities@HMS” initiative— planning for which began in 2011— supports the arts in part by raising money to create fellowships for Medical School affiliates interested in the intersection of art and medicine.
Embassy Open, Student Interest in Traveling to Cuba Spikes
Following the historic thawing of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, students have voiced renewed interest in traveling to Cuba, through both a Harvard-affiliated study abroad program and a spring break tour of the country.
Midwest Club Creates Free Admissions Guide for High Schools
Looking to provide free college admissions advice for students in the Midwest, the Harvard College Midwest Club has created an online college guide and distributed it to thousands of high schools across nine states.
In Out of the Box Lecture, Student Learns From a Cardboard Box
As the College looks to increase its focus on teaching and learning, one professor is thinking out of this world—giving a lecture on space travel on Wednesday while one of his students sat inside a small, 1.5 cubic meter cardboard box.
Candy Crowley is holding her study group with special guest LZ Granderson, ABC News Contributor, ESPN senior writer, and a former CNN commentator. This event will be in IOP L166 from 4-5:30 p.m.
The Harvard Political Union and the Harvard Queer Students and Allies are sponsoring Pizza and Politics with Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, IN. This event will be in Lowell JCR from 5-6 p.m.
Today is the opening night of HOME in the Ex, conceived and directed by Michael Gellman ‘17. The show will be in the Loeb Drama Center at 8 p.m.