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Harvard Today: October 14, 2015

Students crowded the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum to watch a screening of the Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas on October 13, 2015.
Students crowded the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum to watch a screening of the Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas on October 13, 2015. By Y. Kit Wu

Hey Harvard, it’s Wednesday and we’re already halfway through this wonderfully shortened week. On this day in history in 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent means. On a lesser note, there are now 78 days remaining until the end of the year.


It’s a lovely day, with scattered clouds and highs of 68 and lows of 43. It’s going to be raining all weekend, so enjoy the good weather while it lasts.


Turkey Alu Keema Sandwich
Indonesian Stir Fry with Tempeh
Basmati Rice

Basque Chicken
Lemon Pepper Tilapia
Cajun Black Bean Cakes with Corn Salsa


Democratic Debate Drinking Game
The official Flyby-sanctioned drinking game for the Democratic debate last night– we're not stopping you from re-watching it and playing it today too.


Central Office Has Heard Record Number of Assault Cases
Harvard has heard a record number of sexual assault cases—between 25 and 30—since it opened a new centralized Title IX office to handle the issue last fall, according to University Title IX Officer Mia Karvonides.

Two Harvard ‘Geniuses’ Win MacArthur Grants
The two winners were recognized for showing promise in their respective fields. Associate sociology and social studies professor Matthew S. Desmond studies eviction and poverty, and assistant Medical School professor Beth Stevens researches brain cell functions.

Secretary of State John Kerry Talks Foreign Policy at Event
Secretary of State John F. Kerry spoke on a vast array of foreign policy issues at a discussion sponsored by the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs on Tuesday night.

After Survey, Lowell Asks Residents To Attend Peer Assault Discussion
Lowell House is hosting a series of discussions for students about sexual assault prevention throughout the rest of the month in response to the results of Harvard’s recent sexual assault climate survey.

Students’ Opinions Mixed About New Med School Curriculum
When Harvard Medical School officially rolled out an overhaul of its curriculum this semester, students were met with a new system that they characterized by a heavy workload and an increased level of student engagement with content and faculty.


Doug Heye, IOP Resident Fellow and former Deputy Chief of Staff of Communications under Eric Cantor, is having his study group “Inside the Clinton White House” with Mike McCurry, former Press Secretary under Bill Clinton, in IOP L166 from 4-5:30 p.m.

The Harvard AAPI Community is having Mental Health Advocacy Week, and today there is a discussion with Dr. Josephine Kim, a Licensed Mental Health counselor and founding executive director of a nonprofit organization that aims to reach out to AAPI individuals on various issues, including mental health. This Q&A and discussion will take place in the Kates/Tobin Community Room in Quincy House from 8-9:30 p.m.

The Harvard Society for Mind, Brain, and Behavior is presenting the first of a series of student led lectures and discussions. The discussion “Memory: How Does the Brain Encode Information?” will be led by Matthew McGill, Neurobiology ‘17, in Sever 111 from 8-9 p.m.

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