Illegal Pets: Piñata the Beta Fish

College students can barely take care of themselves, much less their pets. This hasn’t stopped a few brave souls though—read their horror stories, their delights, and that one time they brought their mouse to Lowell Lecture Hall in a Starbucks cup.
Flyby: How did you name your pet?
Pet Owner: Over the summer, I knew I wanted to get a fish. I specifically remember writing in my notes in my phone what I wanted my fish’s name to be, but then when I got my fish I couldn’t remember it. So I was looking through my notes, looking and looking, and I just had a note that said Piñata and a bunch of numbers, and I was like ‘Oh my gosh, this is it.' It had to be Piñata. Also it really fit his personality. He loves to party. He’s a really social, fun fish. He gets so excited when everyone comes into his room. He’s a really fun guy.
Flyby: When did you first get your pet? (brought from home, bought at college, adopted, etc.?)
Pet Owner: I got him at the start of the year with my mom. She was a huge supporter of the fish, so we went to Petco together and there was a whole rack of fish. Piñata and I had an immediate connection: I just knew he was the fish for me. We got him a vase. He sits on my dresser.
Flyby: What type of fish is Piñata?
Pet Owner: He’s a Beta Fish. He’s red with blue speckles. He’s really pretty. And he knows it.
Flyby: How easy is it raising a pet? How do you find time to take care of him?
Pet Owner: It could not be easier. First of all, he’s super agreeable and I only have to feed him once a day. He’s also always happy. There’s a thing with Beta Fish where they make bubbles when they’re happy, and his tank is filled with bubbles. One day, there were no bubbles in the tank and he looked really under the weather and I was like ‘Oh my god, I’m killing this fish,’ but I realized I forgot to put in some of the drops into his tank and then he was back in action. So I saved him.
Flyby: Does your pet have any cool tricks? Weird tricks? Any tricks?
Pet Owner: He follows me around the room. Kind of. When I’m standing in front of the tank and then when I move over he’ll move with me. He’s very energetic. He’s moving around all the time. He’s also a partier. He loves to go out. I really contemplated taking him somewhere with me in his little travel case. I’m planning on taking him to one of our blocking/linking group dinners.
Flyby: Is it hard keeping your pet a secret?
Pet Owner: I don’t even try. I tell everyone about him and take all my friends to meet him. I tell people he’s a really wise fish, and so if anyone needs advice on anything, find Piñata. I talked to him a lot about which classes to take, he gave me the best advice out of anyone. Advisor, no. Piñata, yes. He’s a man of few words, but he still has a lot of insight into life.
Flyby: Who do you like more—your roommates or your pet?
Pet Owner: This is really hard. I feel like Piñata really adds a lot to our group dynamic. He just really fits in with my whole friend group. Actually, that’s a lie. One of my roommates loves Piñata; the other one is so-so about him. Some of my linkmates think Piñata is stupid, which really hurts me and him. He’s been sort of offended by some of them. Most people have been very receptive to Piñata and welcomed him to our friend group.