Hemenway’s Short Stories: Early Morning Duo
It was very early and there were only two law students in the gym. The undergraduates preferred to come later in the day. The law students came early. They had the gym to themselves.
The two men worked out four times per week together. One had been a football player at Duke. The other played every intramural as an undergraduate without much success. He came in third place in a ping pong tournament sophomore year. He was happy he won third place and not second because he won his last match. It was better to end on a win, he thought.
They were wearing the same shirt. One wore red, one wore blue. They had different colors for different years. It said: “Harvard Law School Flag Football.” They liked that it said “Harvard Law School” and “football” on one shirt.
“Where are you working next year?” one said while the other did a set.
“Jones Day. You?”
“Davis Polk.”
Davis Polk was ranked as more prestigious. They both knew it.
“How much do you want to bench press?”
“205. You?” He knew the other man could not lift 205 pounds.
“Just 180 for me.”
After they finished they showered and dressed for class. They wore gingham shirts and sweaters. They would see each other in two days for leg day. It was a routine.