Chickwiches for a Cause

This Wednesday, two men partook in a true test of heart and stomach when they set out to consume thirteen Chickwiches in all thirteen dining halls over the course of one lunch period.
William H. Marks '12-'13, an inactive Crimson business editor, and C. M. Trey Grayson '94, director of the Institute of Politics, attempted what has been deemed the "Chickwich Challenge" to raise money for the Phillip Brooks House Association.
When we caught up with the duo in the Eliot House dining hall, they were just biting into their sixth Chickwich of the hour, which began in Annenberg and would end in Pforzheimer.
"Because we have a gap between each House, we have just enough time to get full," Marks said. "We may not make it to the Quad." In order to save their appetite, the men decided that buns were optional. The two decided ahead of time that they would not be allowed to use non-Harvard transportation in order to get from one House to another.
The Challenge was advertised over email in order to get Harvard-affiliated sponsors for the Challenge, who often donated a dollar per Chickwich eaten. Grayson even live-Tweeted his sandwich status when he had eaten his fifth in Kirkland.
"This is a gastronomical feat we will surpass," said Marks.
While Grayson said that, "Even in failure, we still succeed by raising money for PBHA," the two did in fact complete the Challenge.
When asked whether or not he had eaten all 13 Chickwiches, Marks replied, "It may be one of my least proud accomplishments but sadly, yes."