The Elixir of Youth and Other Potentially Useful Scientific Discoveries


The elixir of youth may no longer be a myth! In a recent study conducted by the Harvard Medical School and the University of Wales, researchers discovered a compound that reversed aging in mice. Hopefully the success will extend to more than just rodents when the compound is tested on humans next year. In light of this breakthrough, we've come up with a few things we'd like to see Harvard researchers put their brains to to make our lives a bit easier.

An Elixir for Focusing
Wouldn’t it be amazing if your desires to compulsively check Facebook every 5 minutes, watch another episode of Portlandia on Netflix, or stalk your best friend’s Instagram down to his or her very first picture all disappeared when you have a 10-page paper haunting you? Those late nights of desperation, sadness, and inordinate amounts of caffeine would be history.

Teleportation Device
We’ve all had those mornings where every extra minute of sleep makes a difference, so wouldn’t it be great if you could wake up at 9:05 and still make it to your 9 AM on Harvard time by teleporting from your bed to class? It would also be really nice to teleport from your desk at Lamont to outside the library, thus bypassing the dreaded bag check.

Photographic Memory
You’re trying your best to stay awake, but you keep falling asleep and rereading the same line of your reading for section tomorrow. How convenient would it be if you could train your brain to have photographic memory, so you can go to bed without actually doing your reading but still make insightful contributions during your section that’ll impress your TF?

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