Let the Formals Begin!

Classes end Wednesday, and that means that finals are just ahead. But before you retreat into Lamont and start your shower-free reading period routine in earnest, be sure to make some time for House formals.
Wednesday, April 28
Currier: Harbor Cruise
Yes, Currier’s formal will again take place on a boat. But at the risk of making T-Pain cry, we refuse to include a link to that Lonely Island song from last year. It’s sure to be on the playlist anyway. Plus, even if you’re not a huge fan of “On a Boat,” you’ll love being on the Spirit of Boston. Currier's HoCo says it’s “arguably the nicest boat in Boston Harbor,” with two dance floors and four decks. All told, this sounds like a great way to finish off your last day of lecture—but unless you’re a strong swimmer, be sure to show up on time.
Thursday, April 29
Pfoho: Clue
This year’s (p)formal takes its inspiration from that classic family-friendly game of murder and deception, Clue. This theme is usually tricky—for one thing, how many Misses Peacock can there be before people start showing up in identical dresses? Awksies—but the House’s ongoing game of Assassins should keep things lively. A sprawling tent out on the Moors Terrace will keep this outdoor formal free of rain. Just watch out for falling candlesticks.
Friday, April 30
Leverett: Royale
The violent themes continue with “Royale,” a James Bond-inspired formal. In keeping with their strong reputation for sophistication and intimidation, Lev residents will turn the Old Library in McKinlock Hall into an elegant dance space with a hint of casino flair. International intrigue and/or your roommate’s awful attempt at a British accent guaranteed.
Cabot: Fly Me to the Moon
Taking a cue from some old vocalist dude (Frank Somebody-or-other), Cabot House invites you to “Fly [It] to the Moon.” Expect great music on this one, with a healthy mix of current hits and timeless standards. Another plus: this formal will take place outside on the gorgeous Moors Terrace (Think: “I can see my House from here!”).
Winthrop: Arbella Ball
In 1630, the ship Arbella carried John Winthrop to the New World, facilitating the establishment of what would become this glorious commonwealth. On Friday, the annual Arbella Ball will carry residents of John Winthrop House to levels of glorious revelry that only formals week can facilitate. The Ball will once again feature a live band in the Gore Courtyard as well as chocolate fountains and dancing in the LCR.
Saturday, May 1
Adams: Adventure with Indiana Jones
FlyBy will have to resist the temptation to record ourselves singing the Indiana Jones theme music long enough to tell you about this formal. Adams House residents will swathe themselves in protective formalwear and venture into the uncharted depths of, well, Adams House. Basically, Adams is using Harrison Ford to pretend that this is different from a standard Adams House Saturday night, but we'll let it slide, with special thanks to John Williams! doo dadoot-doooooooo, doo dadoooooo…
Quincy: Q-Ball
Quincy’s setup this year sounds pretty nice. The Penguins will take over the Harvard Club of Boston with catering and an open bar, and even provide return transportation. Definitely worth… racking up? Applying chalk to your hands? Shaving your head? Insert a witty billiards metaphor here.
Mather: Venice Carnival
In addition to the standard tuxes and gowns, Matherites will don elaborate masks for their spring formal in a nod to Venetian revelry. And really, is there any better setting for a recreation of the glamour of Venice’s famous festival than the charming and elegant Mather courtyard? Be sure to keep an eye out for in-House mask-making opportunities.
Sunday, May 2
Lowell: Bacchanalia
Lowell’s Roman festival-inspired spring formal is always a gem of the season. Lowell transforms its central courtyard into a glowing garden. It's a great example of a House using its resources to its advantage and creating something magical. Note that it’s not a toga party.
Kirkland: K-Soirée
Kirkland’s got a great multi-stage formal lined up. Start off at a BBQ in the courtyard, launch the evening at a cocktail reception in the JCR, and fly high at The Estate downtown. That club was a big hit last year during Quincy’s formal, so this should be entertaining—but with Kirkland’s notorious penchant for dormcest, well, prepare for trouble.
Monday, May 3
Eliot: FĂŞte
One Eliot resident, when asked for information about his House’s formal, sent an e-mail that simply read "No. You're not privileged enough to know about The Fête." That pretty much sums up this event: internally celebrated but pretty much irrelevant to the rest of campus—though we have to admit, we're a little jealous. Have a great time, Eliot!
Dunster: Beltane
Named for an ancient Celtic celebration, Dunster’s Beltane may come closest to capturing the spirit of formal season by heralding the coming of summer. Dunster’s beautiful paneled dining hall and courtyard should set the mood perfectly, which may be why Beltane was “last year's highest attended formal” according to Dunster’s HoCo chairs. We hope the House will really go all out for this event; might we suggest a moose roast?
Photo by Sophia Wen/The Harvard Crimson.