Yale Daily News Inserts Itself Into DKE Controversy


If you’ve found yourself trapped within the Harvard bubble lately, you may not have noticed the storm brewing at Yale. Last week on Wednesday, the fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) walked through Yale’s old campus chanting “No means yes, yes means anal,” as part of their initiation process.

The Women’s Center at Yale was outraged at the event. They responded in the pages of the Yale Daily News claiming DKE’s chants were “when taken at face value… a call to commit rape.”

On Monday this week, the Yaily Daily News chastised the Women’s Center in an editorial, calling the center a “radicalizing echo chamber.” In the same editorial, they accused the Women’s Center of responding with "histrionics."

They also wrote, “While the Center spent their time painting murals of their own vaginas, the rest of women were left without a public voice.”

The editorial went as far as saying “Feminists at Yale should remember that, on a campus as progressive as ours, most of their battles are already won: All of us agree on gender equality.”

This commentary has stirred up some controversy at Yale. The day after their editorial ran, the Yale Daily News published an editor’s note clarifying their position. “Without rehashing each word, we can say we regret the tone, and many of the phrases, of our News’ View,” they wrote.


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