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More Police Business

Trouble at Quincy.
Trouble at Quincy.

After a frightening shooting in Kirkland, FlyBy thought the police blotter might be taking it easy for the rest of the night. Not so. According to a FlyBy correspondent, around 11:45 p.m., HUPD and Cambridge police officers handcuffed a male wearing a hooded sweatshirt on the Mt. Auburn side of Quincy House. A flashlight search was conducted (for what? we don't know.) One Quincy-open contributor said that she had gotten the scoop from the cops (after the jump):

But after several minutes in cuffs, the sweatshirt-wearing detainee was released. Our FlyBy correspondent couldn't catch up with him to get his side of the story, and the police weren't talking. Keep an eye on tomorrow for updates.

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