No ID, No Service
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If you are one of the more forgetful Harvard students, getting dinner just got a lot harder—unless you're good at sneaking in. Starting this Friday, HUDS will no longer let students into dining halls without their IDs.
Since November, when students began using the small stripe on their IDs for dining halls, swipers have had backup cards on hand to let in those who forgot/lost/never had an ID. But now, these poor souls will starve. And since the small stripe is not associated with Harvard PINs, reciting that 8-digit number will do you no good.
If there is one upside to this restriction, it is that you will never have to explain to Domna why and how you forgot your ID card anymore. FlyBy remembers a time when he was too lazy to buy a new ID card for two days and had to give Domna the whole story each time. Of course it isn’t hard to get into the backdoor of Annenberg, and most of you freshmen have become experts at sneaking into Adams for a quick bite (Sorry Adams, it's true).
FlyBy implores all of you to head to the 9th floor of the Holyoke Center and just shell out for a new-style ID. We hear they come in handy for things like...getting back into your House, for instance.
Photo: The Harvard Crimson/Tatsunori Hashimoto