Ask and You Shall Receive


Sex, drugs, bubble wrap, bagpipe music, history theses…Flyby found out a last night that these are just a few of the titillating things that Adams residents secretly pine for. They have been submitting their anonymous fantasies for a month, hoping that their innermost desires would be played out at the biennial Adams House Fantasy Dinner. Saturday night, all their wildest dreams came true. Breakfast food for dinner? Check. Brighter lighting in the dining hall? Got it (finally).

Find out what other fantasies Adams residents realized—including an Aesop-inspired race, a faux Bar Mitzvah, and the chance to hate on The Crimson—after the jump.

• Adams House Masters being carried into the room like Prince Ali (and Jasmine) by half-naked Adams boys. Kudos to the Masters for their royal good nature.

• Twister on a dining hall table. Looked like fun, but Flyby didn’t want to get too entangled in it.

• Hall-wide massage.

• Chocolate and strawberries. The only announcement that could send a mass exodus of diners to the servery.

• Omar Abdelsamad kisses ten Asian girls. Before the smooches, each girl was asked to announce where she was from. Flyby’s favorite moment: when Matt Corriel, the MC, confused “Iowa” with “Taiwan.” We were also amused that one girl, who seemed to be wearing a Lisa Frank-esque sweatshirt, tried to run away.

• Race between the tortoise and the hare.

So much for the moral—the hare won! But the tortoise was fake, so Flyby, like everyone else, was rooting for the hare anyway.

• A piano strip tease. Replace the pole with a piano. Enough said.

• Revenge on the Crimson. Everyone in the dining hall was asked to simultaneously text Maxwell L. Child ’10 his or her favorite food, sexual position, or species of monkey. Some of the responses:

o reverse cowgirl spaghetti baboon

o orca style

o bonobo

o mango, dried mangoes, anything mango

o creme broulee, bitch [sic]

o Your mom

o Hand stand up against the wall

o in the library on top of boookssssss


o I love being on top

o The spread eagle


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