OMFG Gchat!

“WTF?! JW where u r!!! OMG u said BRB n just signed off w/o saying GTG BTW! :( ” Ah
By Kriti Lodha

“WTF?! JW where u r!!! OMG u said BRB n just signed off w/o saying GTG BTW! :( ”

Ah yes, the many frustrations of living in the Gchat generation—a world in which etiquette and manners are virtually non-existent (pun intended). Where the lack of a “BRB” or “TTYL” can unleash more drama than the latest episode of “The Hills.”

So now you’re probably thinking, what’s the problem anyways?

Let’s start with statuses. How much does it piss you off when people keep their status as busy all the time? And every time you want to Gchat with someone, you see the infamous “So-and-So is busy. You may be interrupting.” I may be interrupting? What does that even mean? If you’re actually busy, then why do you still contact me? Can we talk or not? Stop confusing me. In the words of Good Ol’ Willy Shakespeare: “To thine ownself be true.” Cut the crap and let your status reflect what you’re actually up to.

Then there’s that whole “idle” thing. Note the following situation: You work up the nerve to Gchat that certain someone. He never responds, but you breathe a sigh of relief when lo and behold, he goes idle. A few minutes later, your heart skips a beat when you see that he’s no longer idle. Yet, he never responds. A slap in the face? Hell yes.

Oh, and lest I forget my personal favorite: the “invisible” status. You know, everyone needs to be invisible every now and then. Maybe you’re trying to avoid that kid who keeps asking you for lecture notes. Or maybe you only want to talk to your “baby boo.” I get that. But don’t go invisible on me in the middle of our conversation! How do I know you didn’t just sign off on me? Are we still talking or not? Going “invisible” is cool...but use it, don’t abuse it.

See, this is why Gchat and I share a love-hate relationship. And don’t even get me started on those beep alerts.

The IM Slang Translation Key for all you newbies:

WTF: What the F*ck

JW: Just Wondering

OMG: Oh My God (Becky)

BRB: Be Right Back (never trust this one)

W/O= Without

GTG= Got to Go

BTW= By the Way

TTYL: Talk to You Later

:( = Sad face
