Global Warming: Officially Not Made Up

It took a fortuitous cosmic alignment and an Al Gore movie to get the ball rolling, but judging by George
By M. AIDAN Kelly

It took a fortuitous cosmic alignment and an Al Gore movie to get the ball rolling, but judging by George W. Bush’s recent State of the Union address, no one denies it anymore: We should probably do something about this whole global warming thing. While there are still a range of opinions on how bad the problem will become and to what degree we humans have cooked our own goose, 2007 will probably see the beginnings of real movement on this issue. Emissions restrictions, tradable caps on carbon dioxide, new methods of ethanol production, and other measures that most people won’t bother to understand might just keep the Eastern seaboard from being underwater in 2050. Expect the next year to be filled with more artsy Environmental Action Committee happenings outside of the Science Center and more alarming statistics about how much precious water your leaky faucet is turning into greenhouse gasses.
