House: Winthrop
Concentration: Chemistry and Physics
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Ideal Date: Gourmet meal in the Science Center Greenhouse Cafe
Best way for a guy/girl to get your attention: Perform a rendition of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air rap
Where to find you on a Saturday night: Look for the girls dancing/cheering in unison
First thing you notice about a guy/girl: Their knowledge of quantum mechanics
Your best pick-up line: Want to touch my pom-poms?
Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: Of course I finished the reading
Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Are you really serious?
Favorite childhood toy: Legos
Sexiest physical trait: My supersonic, glass-shattering sneeze
Favorte part about Harvard: My friends
Describe yourself in three words: Ridiculous, inappropriate, and hungry
In 15 minutes you are: Doing a problem set
In 15 years you are: Enjoying Harvard-Yale on the sidelines