
House: Quincy Concentration: Social Studies Hometown: West Newbury, MA Ideal Date: A lot of French wine and cheese on a

House: Kirkland

Concentration: One of my biggest problems since starting college

Hometown: Somewhere in the great State of Texas/Sparkling City by the Sea: Corpus Christi

Greatest Accomplishment: Several solo piano performances in Carnegie Hall in New York City

Ideal Date: February 30th

Best way for a girl to get your attention: If she is wearing just cowboy boots and a smile

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Alone in my room, organizing my Magic cards—not.

First thing you notice about a girl: Her nice big morals

Your best pick-up line: Did you just fart, because you blew me away!

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: My body is the most exquisite violin. Pluck Me!!

Favorite childhood toy: My babysitter Stacy

Favorite part about Harvard: The conservative attitude

Describe yourself in three words: Great Ballsa Fire

In 15 minutes you are: In the spotlight

In 15 years you are: A star
