Jon’s Concentration: Physics/Astrophysics
Hometown: Western Springs, IL
Favorite part about Harvard: The amazing diversity and depth of talent of the students.
Jon’s favorite part: Getting away from us, although he seemed quite happy when we came this weekend and took him out to eat.
Where to find us on Saturday night: asleep in a chair
Where to find Jon on Saturday night: We have NO idea. We keep calling but he never answers his phone.
Best/ Worst Lie You’ve Ever Told: “Of course we’d LOVE to be SCOPED.”
Best/Worst Lie Jon’s Ever Told: “We [My blockmates and I] want to go to Spain to learn about the language and culture.”
Best Parents Weekend Activity: Lunch in Quincy House (you guys get antipasto and a cheese platter everyday, right?)
Describe youselves in 3 words: adorable, charming, smart
Describe Jon in 3 words: adorable and charming
Something no one knows about Jon: When he was little he had long blonde hair and was occassionally mistaken for a girl.
In 15 minutes we are: Giving our son advice and money...mostly money.
In 15 years we are: Getting advice and money from our son...mostly advice.