Glazer, Nichols Win in Split Vote

Students turn out in record numbers for Undergraduate Council race

Voting in record numbers, students split the ticket in this week’s Undergraduate Council election, choosing Matthew J. Glazer ’06 and Ian W. Nichols ’06 to lead the council next year.

The results, announced shortly before 9:30 p.m., mark the first time in recent memory that voters opted for a split ticket. Glazer ran for president with council Treasurer Clay T. Capp ’06 and Nichols ran for vice president with outsider candidate Tracy Tyrone “Ty” Moore II ’06.

A referendum to buy wind power also passed. The proposal would be funded by a $10 opt-out termbill fee.

The wind power project still must be approved by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

For more information on Glazer, please see

For more information on Nichols, please see

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