
Retired real-estate developer Bill Martin, 65, has announced plans to redevelop an abandoned park near Hudson, FL, which had once
By P.l. Hopkins

Minutes of the late composer John Cage’s piece “As Slow as Possible,” which a church in Halberstadt, Germany, has agreed to play once through in its entirety on its organ: 335,858,400

Minutes it will take to play the composition’s first three notes: 777,600

Minutes since birth that twin sisters Adriana Scott and Tamara Rabi, who were born in Mexico but adopted and raised by different American families, were separated before a mutual friend helped to reintroduce them last week: 10,512,000

Minutes by car that the twins have lived apart in New York for most of their lives: 15

Minutes since State Farm Insurance alerted its 40 million auto insurance subscribers that their vehicles will no longer be insured in the event of a nuclear explosion: 12,960

Minutes on average that it would take for a car to naturally irradiate following a nuclear explosion (assuming of course that it was not annihilated in the initial blast): 15,768,000

Minutes apart that George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein recently ordered the same pair of $975 shoes from the Italian designer Vito Artioli: 43,200

Minutes it took the White House to turn down an invitation for a debate from Saddam Hussein, stating that the president has nothing to discuss with Hussein: 1,020

Minutes that an aspiring model in Brighton, Mich., was captured on tape by a hidden camera undressing in the office of her talent agency, prompting a lawsuit against the agency for untold professional embarassment: 5

Minutes of deliberation required for a jury in Brighton, Mich., to determine that the model’s career-paralyzing humiliation was worth $575,000 in damages: 420

Minutes since the Class of 2003 first entered Harvard Yard beginning four glorious years of (relatively) carefree collegiate existence: 1,798,560

Minutes until Mother Harvard gently but insistently pushes the class of 2003 across the threshold of Johnston Gate thus welcoming soon-to-be grads to a lifetime of, well, life in the real world: 131,040
