Rock The %ucvote

At 11:59 p.m. tonight, voting will close in this year's Undergraduate Council elections. Although we are encouraged that this year's races are slightly more competitive than those of years past, the task of legitimizing the council cannot be completed unless a significant majority of the student body participates.

Last year students voted in overwhelming numbers to downsize the council from 90 to 50 members. The rationale was that by making council seats scarcer, races would become more competitive, enhancing the council's overall legitimacy. The logic has proved somewhat correct: This year, all but two upperclass Houses are fielding three or more candidates. Some students have been forced to campaign heavily, many going door-to-door to meet potential constituents.

Of course, there is still a long way to go. Cabot House and Dudley House are fielding no candidates at all. Nevertheless, the student body must follow through with its promise to legitimize a downsized council. This year's election represents a small but significant opportunity to change our student government for the better. And so we urge all undergraduates to type ucvote at the fas% prompt. If no one is running in your House or district, write in a candidate who might do good for the College as whole.

The success and legitimacy of the newly reformed council is critically dependent on student involvement. This year, don't waste your vote.

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