
Elections Would Weaken Adams House Diversity

To the editors:

Goodness, I hate to quibble, but your otherwise nice piece on former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis (News, "Dukakis Speaks at Institute of Politics," July 16) neglected to mention that he spends most of his time teaching college students. His Amtrak gig is part time.

Dukakis's full time job (since 1991) is teaching public policy courses to undergraduates (yes, you heard that right) and graduates at Northeastern University.

I'm less concerned about any reference to my school--we're not as insecure as other places in this town--than about making sure your readers know that Dukakis spends most of his time in the noble pursuit of educating the next generation of citizens.

And, of course, he's a great teacher.

The writer is an associate professor and chair of the department of political science at Northeastern University. July 16

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