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The editors take aim at the good, the bad and the ugly.

By Sarah Jacoby

The annual deadline for blocking groups once again looms over the heads of the innocent first-years, and the third year of randomization will soon shift into gear. Sooner rather than later, there will be a reevaluation of randomization. Sage and not-so-sage deans, several masters and a few vehement students will all put in their two cents. So in the spirit of sharing, Dartboard would like to draw attention to an oft-neglected effect of randomization.

People no longer fit properly in their houses. We don't mean fitting in socially or mentally, but physically--students are not to scale to their surroundings.

Mather is blessed with high ceilings, a wall of windows, large chairs and generous aisles between tables, and large chairs. An illusion of a massive space is created, spacious and light filled. Big people in DHA sweats fit in inconspicuously and look virtually regular size, their bulk reduced to normalcy in the amply sized room. The architecture was to scale with the fast disappearing old guard of Mather athletes. Meanwhile, the new Matherites, an assorted bunch of sensitive artist/musicians, literally rattle around in the big room.

For the reverse situation take Winthrop. A rather cozy dining hall, being half submerged underground, it feels small and intimate. The tables are all squeezed up against one another, demanding a rather petite student to safely navigate to a chair with laden tray. And in the soap opera social scene of Winthrop of yesteryear, the cast of characters were designed to wiggle their way between the tables. However randomization has brought football players to Winthrop. And they simply don't fit. They can't get to the seats, and stand around holding their trays, seeming all the more hulking in the small dining hall.

Observe-Adams, tables close together demanding a smaller clientele, e.g. pale VES concentrators; Kirkland, the smaller size tables and spacious layout comfortably fitting athletic teams. So as the randomization computer switches on, beware of houses where students just plain won't fit.

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