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From the editors

By Elg & Yhy

Recently received at 14 Plympton St.

Institute of Moral and Political Law

Harold Dorland Acting Director 212 W. Thompson St. Paul, Minn, 55118-2154

The JFK murder mystery is solved! The orders to the CIA to assassinate the President came from the very top level of the American Corporate Establishment headquartered in New York City. Normally, a 54-12 type comittee of the Corporate Elite issued the orders for such "wet jobs," bu in this case, the matter was considered to be so sensitive the a special 5-man super-secret committee was created to oversee the execution of President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963.

David Rockefeller appointed himself to chair the group. E. Howard Hunt, who later became famous in Watergate, was selected to lead "Phase I," the actual murder of the President, and George Bush was chosen to head up "Phase II," the planned invasion of Cuba. Lee Harvey Oswald was to be gunned down in the Texas School Book Depository Building, or at several alternative sites, and then the American public was to be told via television that Cuban leader Fidel Castro had sent Oswald to murder Kennedy. This would supposedly inflame the public, who would demand instant invasion of Cuba. George Bush had conveniently placed nearly 100 U.S. Navy ships close to the Cuban shores all the way around the island. If the plot had come off as planned, the Soviets would have come to the defense of Cuba, and the conflict would have quickly escalated into an all-our nuclear war that afternoon. All of us would have died within 4 or 5 hours of Kennedy.

Messrs. Rockefeller and Bush should be charged with aggravated first-degree homicide (lying in wait), and with war crimes and crimes against humanity, and if found guilty, executed, as were the other fascist criminals at Nuremberg. For 50 years, we have been forced to live in 'Rockefeller Fascism," with rampant CIA killings here at home and abroad, stolen elections, etc., and with unnecessary wars that have killed millions of human beings.

I'll have more for you later, that is if I'm still alive. Harold H. Dorland

We've never heard of the Institute of Moral and Political Law, and we don't know what happened to the appointed director, but we trust Mr. Dorland to keep us informed on this monstrous conspiracy.

Do you have any theories of your own? Let us know.

See you during Reading Period!

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