Course Catalogue Premieres On-Line


Can't get back in time for Shopping Week next fall? Looking to get an early start on scheduling classes for next semester?

Starting today, it's possible to do just that--by accessing the "early edition" of the course catalog, Courses of Instruction 1994-95, on Gopher, according to a memo sent to the faculty by Registrar Georgene Herschbach.

Gopher refers to computer servers that offer a series of menus allowing students to view texts. Everything from government documents to The New Yorker magazine can be accessed over Gopher.

To read the catalog from Harvard Arts and Sciences Computer Services (HASCS) or any other Harvard account, system users can type "gopher elmer" at the prompt and select "FAS Early Edition Catalog 1994-95," the first option, from the next menu.

The full catalog will be available on Gopher after July 1, according to the memo.

Every year, students receive the catalogue in the mail during the summer. Since the catalogues often do not reach students' summer residences until August, this year many students will be able to choose their classes months earlier.

To read the full catalog, system users will need to telnet to or configure Gopher to connect to "courses. Harvard. edu ( Then users should type "courses" at the login prompt.

Using a modem, students and others will be able to dial 496-8500 and type "c courses" at the access prompt. At the login prompt, modem users should type "courses."

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