Council Will Match Funds, Hold Concert

Adam Sandler to Perform; Heated Debate in Session

By Ivy A. Wang, Contributing Reporter

After heated debate, the Undergraduate Council agreed last night to triple match funding given for improvements in the houses and to fund a concert by television comedian Adam Sandler.

According to the resolution, the council will appropriate three times the amount of money allocated by house committees for capital improvements. A later amendment to the resolution limited the total amount the council may pay for these improvements to $400. The same amendment fixed the council's grant for first year dorms at $1,600.

"I think spending money for durable and non-diminishable goods is an excellent way to spend money where it will really improve quality of students' lives," said Benjamin D. Unger '94, who sponsored the resolution.

The debate spilled over into name-calling when a council member arguing for the capital improvement resolution called representative Michael P. Beys '94, an opponent of the measure, "De La Mike," a reference to Beys's role in last year's financially disastrous De La Soul concert.

Much of the meeting's debate hinged on whether money would be better spent on large,campus-wide social events or on smaller concertsthat reflect a "diversity of taste."

"We should be targeting campus centralizingevents rather than legislation that serves todecentralize the campus," Beys said in aninterview after the session.

"By giving money back to the houses weneglected our primary mission of unifying thestudent campus,." he says.

But other council members disagreed, arguingthat the idea of a large social event fails totake into account the diversity of Harvard.

"We need to sponsor events that cultivate andappeal to that diversity instead of catering tojust one section," Unger said.

While the council did resolve to allocatefunding to individual houses, it also approved$8,750 to feature Sandler, famous for hisportrayal of "Cajun Man" and "Opera Man" onSaturday Night Live, in a Sanders Theater concerton March 25. Tickets will be $7 forundergraduates, $12 for others.

Representatives also voted to hold Casino NightFebruary 12 in Alumni Hall. The councilappropriated $6,775 for this extravaganza, whichwill feature dealers, gambling equipment, food anddrinks. Tickets will cost $10.

In other news, the council passed a resolutionto create an ad hoc committee to re-evaluate itseffectiveness on campus.

The council's executive board will also selectfour council members and four non-memberundergraduates to poll the student body and torecommend appropriate structural or proceduralchanges.

And acting on a recommendation from the HarvardStudent Telephone Office, the council adoptedproposals to reduce service fees for changes inlocal service, calling features and the transferof service. But the council also established a newservice fee of $27.50 for a room visit by thetelephone office.

Chairperson Malcom A. Heinicke '93 awardedDedicated Service Awards to Victor H. Chiu '95,Randall A. Fine '96, Cynthia D. Johnson '96, andUnger

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