When Professors Speak Out, Some Students Stay Quiet. Can Harvard Keep Everyone Talking?
Allston Residents, Elected Officials Ask for More Benefits from Harvard’s 10-Year Plan
Nobel Laureate Claudia Goldin Warns of Federal Data Misuse at IOP Forum
Woman Rescued from Freezing Charles River, Transported to Hospital with Serious Injuries
Harvard Researchers Develop New Technology to Map Neural Connections
18 First-year students camp outside the Harvard Union in the early hours of the morning to sign up for their expository writing classes. Students blame the queues on the new first-come, first-serve policy of filling the courses. Chagrined administrators eventually return to the old policy of submitting filledout cards.
23 Photographs of the Dead Ses scrolls are made public for the first time, ending the monopoly of an elite team of scholars including Professor of Christian Origins John Strugnell who have in the past held the exclusive privilege of viewing the ancient documents.
24 For the second year in a row, Harvard ranks No. 1 in U.S. News and World Report's annual list of America's best colleges. Harvard is also rated No. 1 in "academic reputation," up from last year's No. 2 slot.
26 Teachers for a Democratic Culture is formed. The group, which includes DuBois Professor of the Humanities Henry Louis Gates Jr., opposes charges by organizations such as the National Association of Scholars that political correctness has stifled academic debate on America's college campuses.
30 A prominent figure in the Bank of Commerce and Credit International scandal is discovered to be a major contributor to the Harvard Business School and to have recently pledged to give upwards of $1 million. Gaith R. Pharao, a Saudi financier accused of fronting for BCCI's American bank acquisition, is later fined $37 million by the Federal Reserve.
4 President Neil L. Rudenstine rededicates Dudley House as the new Graduate School of Arts and Sciences student center.
13 David A. Aronberg '93, a Currier House resident, is elected chair of the Undergraduate Council by secret ballot. Aronberg, formally the council's vice-chair, outpolls Steven A. Kalkanis '93 of Quincy House.
15 President Neil L. Rudenstine urges the creation of a provost post during his official address to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The president says a provost is needed to improve coordination between Harvard's faculties, but stresses that he does not wish to create another level of bureaucracy between the deans and himself.
18 Rudenstine is officially installed as the University's 26th president before an audience of 20,000 in Tercentary Theater. In his inaugural address, he says it is a difficult time for American research universities.
29 Cambridge becomes the first city in the nation to attempt to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. The city Council votes 7-1 in support of a home rule petition authorizing Cambridge physicians to prescribe the illegal drug.
30 City University of New York professor Leonard Jeffries allegedly makes anti-Semitic statements and threatens the life of a Harvard extension school student, J. Eliot Morgan '92. Morgan, an editor of The Harvard Crimson, says the threat came during an interview for the What Is To Be Done?, The Crimson's weekly magazine.
5 Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn, president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, wins a third term by what his aides say was the largest victory in Boston history.
6 Alice K. Wolf finishes first in balloting for the Cambridge City Council. Wolf recieved 2000 more "number one" votes than her nearest rival, Walter J. Sullivan. With the victory of Wolf and four other incumbents, the Cambridge Civic Association-endorsed councillors are able to hold onto their slim majority for the second year in row.
7 Associate Professor of History James Hankins is granted a lifetime appointment at Harvard, the first internal promotion in European History two years.
12 A special issue of Peninsula focusing on homosexuality is distributed on campus and prompts a firestorm of protest. The conservative student magazine devotes most of the issue's 56 pages to articles on what its writers call "a badalternative" to heterosexuality.
20 Albert Carnesale, Littauer professors of public policy and administration, replaces Price Professor of Politics Robert D. Putnam as dean of the Kennedy School of Government.
23 Hurt by an erratic offense and shoddy tackling on defense, the Harvard football team falls to Yale, 23-13. Two blocked punts, four delay-of-game penalties and an anemic 19 yards passing overshadow shining individual performances from sophomore quarterback Mike Giardi and junior runing back Robb Hirsch.
8 Richard A. Smith '46, chair of the General Cinema Corporation and a member of Several University governing committees, is appointed to the Harvard Corporation.
14 The Institute of Politics (IOP) begins to consider inviting David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard who at the time had just announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, to speak at an IOP forum. Duke did not appear on campus this year.
15 The Undergraduate Council votes to recommend that Harvard maintain its current ties whit Reserve Officer Training Corps. Under the proposal, which passed 29-24 with three abstentions, Harvard will continue to accept scholarship funds from the military, despite the armed forces' policy of discrimination against gays and lesbians.
19 Presidents of Ivy League universities vote to allow first-year students to play varsity football, likely dealing to death blow to most Ivy school's first-year football programs. Harvard and Yale oppose the action.
5 The Cambridge City Council unanimously elects Councillor Kenneth E. Reeves '72 as its 54th mayor. Reeves is the first Black mayor in Cambridge since the city's chartering in 1846. The Council also elects Councillor Edward N. Cyr vice mayor.
29 Federal investigators charge to a Congressional hearing that Harvard Medical School inappropriately billed the government almost one million dollars last year.
31 Spike Lee delivers the first lecture of his course, Afro-American Studies 182, "Contemporary African-American Cineman," to an audience that pack Sanders Theatre.
3 The Harvard men's hockey tean captures its 1000th win, sailing by Union 7-3. Harvard is only the second school in the nation to reach that milestone.
6 City University of New York professor Leonard Jeffries delivers a speech to a crowded Sanders Theatre while hundreds of students outside protest his appearance.
10 The Date Rape Task Force releases a report recommending that the College adopt an official policy on sexual misconduct. The Task Force alsosuggests a significant procedural change for casesin which one student makes a complaint againstanother.
15 Former Eliot House resident Paul EWylie '91 wins the silver medal in men's figureskating at the Winter Olympics in Albertville,France.
19 Both the men's and women's squashteam capture national titles, beating Yale 8-1 and5-4 respectively.
20 Concerned Christians at Harvard, anundergraduate group, demands that the Rev. PeterJ. Gomes, who is gay, resign as minister ofMemorial Church because he preaches thathomosexuality is not a sin.
3 Weld Professor of Law Derrick A. BellJr. requests an extension on his two-year leave ofabsence. Bell took an unpaid leave of absence inApril 1990 to protest the absence of minorityfaculty members. Law School administrators saythat Bell's request will not be granted, thoughthey do not rule out the possibility of hiseventual return.
3 Garbe Professor of Architecture andUrban Design peter J. Rowe, chair of theDepartment of Architecture and Urban Design, isnamed Dean of the Graduate School of Design byPresident Neil L. Rudenstine.
3 The supreme Judicial Court ofMassachusetts hears oral arguments in a suitbrought by Harvard Law School students against theUniversity for discrimination in faculty hiring.
10 Democrat Paul E. Tsongas coasts to aneasy victory in the Massachusetts primary and inlocal polling, while President bush wins bylandslide margins that had been predicted in theRepublican race. A Crimson poll shows that nearlyone half of students who describe themselves asDemocrats support Paul Tsongas in the bid for theparty's presidential nomination.
14 Cambridge and state transportationofficials reach an agreement on an alternativeplan to Scheme Z. The proposal moves the highwayconstruction project farther away from the CharlesRiver, lowers the height of the roadways andreduces the number of highways, ramps and loops.
30 A state medical board decides not tosuspend Dr. Margaret H. Bean-Bayog '65, a MedicalSchool psychiatrist accused of having an affairwith a patient who later committed suicide.
1 More than 400 students from fiveHarvard graduate schools walk out of classes tocall for increased faculty diversity.
20 On the last days of a week filledwith sit-ins and student strike, members of theCoalition for Civil Rights walk picket lines andhold a vigil to protest the paucity of women andminorities on the Law School faculty.
9 The annual spoof edition of theHarvard Law Review, which includes a parodyof an article by murdered feminist legal scholarMary Joe Frug, touches off a wave of protest atthe Law School.
12 The Law Review publiclyapologizes for the parody and promises toestablish a task force to examine the status ofwomen within the organization. Tyler ProfessorConstitutional Law Lawrence Tribe delivers astinging attack on the Law Review spoofissue.
12 The Undergraduate Council votes 32-22to recommend that the College adopt a definitionof rape far narrower than that proposed by theDate Rape Task Force.
16 Columbia Teacher's College professorLinda Darling-Hammond is named dean of the HarvardGraduate School of Education by President Neil L.Rudenstine. The appointment makes Darling-Hammondthe first Black dean of a Harvard graduate school.
21 Dean of the College L. Fred Jewett'57 condemns "insensitive language and innuendoes"in a flyer posted by the conservative campusmagazine Peninsula. The flyer advertises aforum entitled "Spade Kicks: A Symposium onModernity and the Negro as a Paradigm of SexualLiberation."
22 The Harvard-Radcliffe Black StudentsAssociation distributes a flyer to allundergraduates charging that Blacks are treatedlike second-class citizens on campus. The poster,titled, "On the Harvard Plantation," condemns the"hostile environment" of the campus and blames theUniversity Police, the Law School,Peninsula and The Crimson for "injusticesperpetrated against people of color."
22 More than 40 students walk out of asymposium on race sponsored by Peninsulaafter one speaker calls sexual liberation theprimary cause of the breakdown of some Blackfamilies and uses the Word "Negro" 15 times.
23 Duke University Associate DeanElizabeth S. Nathans accepts the post of dean offirst-year students. Nathans will take over fromActing Dean Virginia L. Mackay-Smith '78, who hasfilled the post since Henry C. Moses stepped downlast year.
21 Harvard Foundation director S. AllenCounter comes under attack for a lettercriticizing The Crimson. One Jewish student callsfor his resignation, and Counter issues anapology. A number of campus minority groups backCounter and charge The Crimson with irresponsiblereporting of minority issues.
2 The Undergraduate Council loses tensof thousands of dollars on a De La Soul concertbecause only a fraction of the tickets were sold.An impeachment vote on treasurer Michael P. Beys'94, who organized the events, fails.
7 A Newton, Mass, inventor andentrepreneur gives Harvard Medical School itslargest gift ever from an individual, creating afund which will provide grants to talling $550,000annually.
10 The Administrative Board of HarvardLaw School slaps the so-called Griswold Eight witha warning, declining to impose a harsherpunishment on those who held a sit-in outside theoffices of Law School Dean Robert C. Clark.
15 Former President of the Soviet UnionMikhail S. Gorbachev addresses an audience of 600at the ARCO Forum. The former Secretary General ofthe Communist Party says through a translator thatthe U.S. and the Commonwealth of IndependentStates must work together to bring about a betterfuture.
16 The Harvard women's lacrosse teamloses in the NCAA finals to Maryland, 11-10 inovertime. The Crimson held a 9-6 lead with lessthan seven minutes to go in the game before theTerrapins rallied.
19 A Harvard University security guardbecomes the third guard in a week to chargesupervisor with a harassment. A week earlier, aBlack guard said he was racially harassed morethan two dozen times by two supervisors. And aformer guard said he was fired because he isHispanic.
20 Several of Harvard's graduate schoolsface budgetary red ink as the University continuesto deal with financial hardship caused by theongoing recession.
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