OCS To File Corporate Newsletter

The Office of Career Services (OCS) said yesterday that it will keep on file a recent student report on corporate responsibilities but maintained that this step is not in response to recent student protests.

Earlier this week, the Undergraduate Council sent a letter to OCS director Martha P. Leape protesting her alleged refusal to put copies of The Corporate Reporter, a student-compiled bulletin, on file in the office library.

According to the council's letter, the OCS "did not think that it was appropriate for it to keep the publication on file because this action would entail implicit sponsorship of the Corporate Reporter by OCS."

According to Leape, however, the OCS had never refused to keep the report on file.

"We are of course willing to put it on file," Leape said. "We will put it on file in the library and with other corporate literature downstairs."

The Reporter, which contains no editorial comment, describes the business practices and records of social responsibility of various corporations.

"What was an area of misunderstanding for a while was that we [thought that we] were being asked to distribute the pamphlet," Leape said.

Leape said the OCS would not distribute copies of the Reporter because this would seem to be an endorsement of the publication, while keeping it on file was simply providing information to students.

The pamphlet, first published this month, is partially funded by the council and is distributed to all seniors.

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