Long-Anticipated Report On Grad School Delayed

A review of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) was not made available after yesterday's Faculty Council meeting, despite expectations, that the long-awaited report might be released.

In a news release after yesterday's Faculty Council, the University announced that Leverett Professor of Physics Karl Strauch, who chairs the review committee began discussing the proposal with the 19-member Faculty steering committee.

The Faculty Council will likely continue discussing the so-called Strauch Report at its next meeting.

The Strauch committee has been searching for ways to improve interaction between the central GSAS administration and the departments, where graduate students do all of their learning and research, Strauch said.

In addition, they are analyzing how many undergraduate courses graduate students should teach and how graduate education should be financed, Strauch said.

The Strauch committee, has been searching for ways to improve interaction between the central GSAS administration and the departments, where graduate students do all of then learning and research, Strauch said.

In addition, they are analyzing how many undergraduate courses graduate students should teach and how graduate education should he financed, Strauch said.

The Strauch committee, which began work in the fall, contour the first draft of its report at a meeting Saturday.

If the Faculty Council approves the fill report, the report will be considered by the full Faculty.

University officials and committee members refused this week to discuss the content of the report.

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