12 Angry Jurors--Harkness Commons, HLS, 8:30 p.m.
Hello and Goodbye--Peoples Theater, 1253 Cambridge St., 8 p.m.
The Good Woman of Setzuan--Nucleo Eclettico, 37 Clark St., Boston, 8:30 p.m.
The Rimers of Eldritch--New Ehrlich Theater, 539 Tremont St., Boston, 8 p.m.
Smart Aleck--Institute of Contemporary Art-Theater, 955 Boylston St., Boston, 8 p.m.
Noonday Organ Recital--Barbara Bruns; Memorial Church, 12:10 p.m.
Musica Antiqua Koin--17th century German chamber music; music of Scheldt, Biber, Hausmann, Schmelzer and Bach; Jordan Hall, 8 p.m.
Boston Symphony Orchestra--Seiji Ozawa, conductor; Itzhak Periman, violin soloist; music of Mozart, Starer, Saint-Saens and Tchalkovsky; Symphony Hall, 8 p.m.
Fire on the Mountain--Idier's Back Room
Con Brio with Jerry Bergonzi--the Willow, 699 Broadway, Somerville
Alice Gerard and the Harmony Sisters--Passim, 47 Palmer St.
Alida Rohr's Band--Springfield's, 1369 Cambridge St., Inman Square
Janet Grice and Tropical--Ryles Upstairs
Eric Preusser, Frank Wilkins and Tim Engies--Ryles Downstairs
The Trademarks--Inn Square Men's Bar
Lou Miami and Future Dads--Jacks, 952 Mass Ave.
The Lyres and The New Models--Jonathan Swift's
Sand Dollar--Oxford Ale House
Rashante Rub-a-Dub Band--Western Front
Orieans, President and The Rox--the Channel
Rhythm Method--Ed Burke's
Decorum and The Scam--Jasper's, 379 Somerville Ave., Somerville
Field Hockey--v. Springfield, 3 p.m.
Defending the Gulity--Frank Herrmann, SJ; Catholic Student Center, 20 Arrow St., 7:30 p.m.
The "Venetian-nees" of Venetian Art: New Influence from Florence--Terisio Pignattl; Boylston Auditorium, 8 p.m.
Reading--Raymond Carver; Adams LCR, 8 p.m.
H-R Christian Science Organization--Phillips Brooks House, 7 p.m.
12 Angry Jurors--8:30 p.m.
Hello and Goodbye--8 p.m.
The Good Woman of Setzuan--8:30 p.m.
The Rimers of Eldritch--8 p.m.
Smart Aleck--7:30 and 10 p.m.
Boston Remembers--Overland Theater, Massachusetts College of Art, 26 Overland St., Boston, 8 p.m.
The Trojan Women--Maliotis Cultural Center, Hellenic College, Brookline, 8 p.m.
Boston Concert Opera--David Stockton, conductor; Bolo's "Mefistofele"; Jordan Hall, 8 p.m.
Dunster House Music Society--Kenje Ogata, voice and gultar; Scottish and American folk songs; Dunster House Library, 5:30 p.m.
Charles River Concert--Daniel Varsano, planist; music of Ravel and Satle; First and Second Church of Boston, 66 Marlborough St., Boston, 8 p.m.
BSO--(see Thursday's listing), 2 p.m.
Molly Malone, Steve Rosenthal and Diane Taraskiewicz--Idler's Back Room
Guy Van Duser, Billy Novick and Reilly and Maloney--Passim, 47 Palmer St.
Lester Parker--Springfield's, 1369 Cambridge St., Inman Square
Bellvista--Ryles Upstairs
Herman Johnson Quartet--Ryles Downstairs
The Trademarks--Inn Square Men's Bar
The Duke Robillard Band--Jacks, 952 Mass Ave.
Tim Danahy--Jonathan Swift's
Sand Dollar--Oxford Ale House
Peaceful Flight--Western Front
Sam and Dave and Roomful of Blues--the Channel
Ruckus--Ed Burke's
The Atlantics and Bad Habits--Jasper's, 379 Somerville Ave., Somerville
Men's Cross Country--v. Dartmouth, 4:15 p.m.
The Other America: Bullding Blocks for the American Left in the '80s--Michael Harrington; Science Center, 2 p.m.
Harvard-Dartmouth Rock Rumble--the Bones, Hand to Mouth and two other bands; Quincy Dining Hall, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
62nd Annual Dartmouth Celebration--the Harvard University Band, the Harvard Wind Ensemble and the Harvard Jazz Band with Andy McGhee; Sanders Theater, 8 p.m.
12 Angry Jurors--8:30 p.m.
E Menino ou Menina--Hasty Pudding Theater, 7 p.m.
Hello and Goodbye--8 p.m.
The Good Woman of Setzuan--8:30 p.m.
The Rimers of Eldritch--8 p.m.
Smart Aleck--7:30 and 10 p.m.
Boston Remembers--8 p.m.
The Trojan Women--8 p.m.
Organ Recital--Thomas Wikman, organist; music of Brahms and Bach; Busch-Reisinger Museum, 4:30 p.m.
Franz Liszt Birthday Bash--Jane Struss, mezzo-soprano, David Witten and Hung-Kuan Chen, plano, and the New England Woodwind Quintet; music of Chopin, Liszt and Beethoven; New School of Music, 25 Lowell St., 8 p.m.
BSO--(see Thursday's listing), 8 p.m.
Molly Malone, Steve Rosenthal and Diane Taraskiewicz--Idier's Back Room
Nancy Holroyd, Art Lillard and Spring--the Willow, 699 Broadway, Somerville
Guy Van Duser, Billy Novick and Reilly and Maloney--Passim, 47 Palmer St.
Allda Rohr's Band--Springfield's, 1369 Cambridge St., Inman Square
Bellvista--Ryles Upstairs
Lucid--Ryles Downstairs
The Duke Robillard Band--Jacks, 952 Mass Ave.
Jon Butcher Axis and The Probers--Jonathan Swift's
Sand Dollar--Oxford Ale House
Peaceful Flight--Western Front
The Look, Hometown Rockers and Fire Dept.--the Channel
Ruckus--Ed Burke's
Mission of Burma--Jasper's, 379 Somerville Ave., Somerville
Football--v. Dartmouth, 1:30 p.m.
Field Hockey--v. Dartmouth, 11 a.m.
Men's Soccer--v. Dartmouth, 11 a.m.
Women's Soccer--v. Dartmouth, 11 a.m.
Artists' Lives--Geoffrey Koetsch; The Art institute of Boston, 700 Beacon St., Boston, 4 p.m.
Dancemime/A Play/Mimedance--Chameleon and the Boston Buffoons; Joy of Movement Center, 536 Mass Ave., 8 p.m.
Fall Yard Sale--Harvard-Epworth Church, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Hello and Goodbye--6 p.m.
Smart Aleck--3 p.m.
Currier House Music Society--Jeanne Golan, plano; music of Mozart, Schumann and Prokofieff; Currier House SCR, 4 p.m.
Tea Concert--music for women's voices; Valerie Taylor, conductor; solos and small ensembles; music of Mozart, Brahms, Schubert and Cherubinl; Cabot Living Room, South House, 3 p.m.
Harvard Square Chamber Orchestra--music of Bach, Elgar and Dvorak; Holmes Hall, North House, 4 p.m.
Mimi Jones--Idier's Back Room
Blue Silver--the Willow, 699 Broadway, Somerville
Guy Van Duser, Billy Novick and Reilly and Maloney--Passim, 47 Palmer St.
Grover Mooney--Springfield's, 1369 Cambridge St., Inman Square
Mike Metheny Quartet--Ryies Downstairs
Steve Swallow, Randy Roos, Mick Goodrick and June Sarto--Ryles Upstairs
Rocket 88s--Inn Square Men's Bar
Ellot Finesse--Jacks, 952 Mass Ave.
Bruce and Marshall--Oxford Ale House
The Monty Band--the Channei, 3 and 8 p.m.
On the 100th Anniversary of the Mass Immigration of the Jews from Eastern Europe to America--Marsha L. Skiare; Riesman Center, 74 Mount Auburn St., 12:30 p.m.
Race and Religion--Frank Jones; Adult Forum at Harvard-Epworth Church, 10 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon Walk--Arnold Arboretum, Dana Greenhouse, Centre St., Jamaica Plain, 2 p.m. (Shuttle buses leave Lamont Library at 1 and 1:30 p.m.)
Adventures in Consciousness--meditation, music, visualizations, etc.; Phillips Brooks House, 11:30 p.m.
De Danann, Eamonn Curran, Dolores Keane and John Faulkner--Irish music; Sanders Theater, 8 p.m.
Hoot with Bob Haiperin--Idier's Back Room
Latin Night--Springfield's, 1369 Cambridge St., Inman Square
Mike Metheny Quartet--Ryles Downstairs
Suade Cowboys and Surprise Guests--Inn Square Men's Bar
The Blades--Jacks, 952 Mass Ave.
John Payne and his Sax Choir--Oxford Ale House
Men's Soccer--v. B.U., 3:30 p.m.
Un Voyage a Travers Ia Peinture--Claude Verdier; Alliance Francaise, 118 Milk St., Boston, noon
Smart Aleck--8 p.m.
Plano Recital--Craig Smith, planist; music of Schubert, Rachmaninoff and Liszt; Peasant Stock Restaurant, 415 Washington St., Somerville, 8:30 p.m.
Mid-day Concert--Mary Card Comune, planist; music of Rachmaninoff and Debussy; New School of Music, 25 Lowell St., 12:30 p.m.
Sharon Lunsford and Friends--Idier's Back Room
John Dougias and Urge--Springfield's, 1369 Cambridge St., Inman Square
Ed Perkins Trio--Ryles Downstairs
Duke Robillard Band--Inn Square Men's Bar
Hypertension--Jacks, 952 Mass Ave.
Albert Collins and the Icebreakers and Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown--Jonathan Swift's
P.F. and the Flyers--Oxford Ale House
The English Beat, Dirty Looks and 007--the Channel
Women's Volleyball--v B.U., 6 p.m.
Law School Forum--Jane Pauley; Langdell South, 1:30 p.m.
Educational Future In Mexico--Noel McGinn; Coolldge Hall, Rm. 2, noon
Dialogue--Grant and lize Jones; Piper Auditorium, Gund Hall, GSD, 5:30 p.m.
Teach-in on Quatemala--Noam Chomsky, Jullo Quan et al., speakers; Maremba music by Grupo Maya K'anll; slide show; Arlington St. Church, Arlington and Boylston Sts., Boston, 7:30 p.m.
Death of a Salesman--Charles Playhouse, 8 p.m.
The Good Women of Setzuan--8:30 p.m.
Beaux Arts Trio--Menahem Pressier, plano, Isldore Cohen, Vtolin, and Bernard Greenhouse, cello; music of Haydn, lyes and Mendeissohn; Sanders Theater, 8 p.m.
Plano Recital--Randall Hodgkinson, planist; music of Bach, Beethoven and Bartok; Peasant Stock Restaurant, 415 Washington St., Somerville, 8:30 p.m.
Dunster House Music Society--Brian Silver, sitar and surbahar; Midnight Ragas; Dunster House Library, midnight
Lucy Kapiansky--Idier's Back Room
The Kiezmorim--Passim, 47 Palmer St.
Ed Perkins Trio--Ryles Downstairs
Bayou Boys--Inn Square Men's Bar
The First--Jacks, 952 Mass Ave.
Joe Pass--Jonathan Swift's
The Professionals--Bradford Hotel
P.F. and the Flyers--Oxford Ale House
Mandinga--Western Front
Romance Language, Hunger City, It's Just and Last Sacrifice--the Channel
Women's Soccer--v. UConn., 3:30 p.m.
Sacred Hallucinogenic Plants of the Tropics--Herbaria Bldg., 22 Divinity Ave., 7:30 p.m.
The Mind/Body Effect--Dr. Herbert Benson; Cambridge Forum, 3 Church St., 8 p.m.
Expedition to the Dead Sea: Excavations at Numeira--Michael D. Coogan; Peabody Museum, noon
Burns, Blake and the Recovery of the Lyric--Leopoid Damrosch; Boylston Auditorium, 4 p.m.