Summer School Calendar



The Dean's Office is again sponsoring arts competitions this year. The contests will be in Poetry and Black and White Photography. Rules, details, and entry forms are available at the Dean's Office. Deadline for entries is Friday, July 28.

Free tours of the campus are available throughout the summer at the Holyoke Information Center. They leave Monday through Saturday at 10 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., and 3:15 p.m., and Sunday at 1:30 p.m. and 3:15 p.m., weather permitting. For more information, call 495-1573.

Please note the following changes in the Athletics section of the Dean's Notes:

* Students with Summer School I.D. cards are entitled to use facilities for sailing at no charge if they are qualified sailors.

* The Blodgett Pool will be closed weekends from July 8-9 to August 19-20, inclusive.

* Guests are not allowed to use any Harvard Athletic Facilities except tennis, for which there is a $1.50 single use fee.

The following athletic facilities are available free to Summer School students upon presentation of their I.D. card: swimming, tennis, rowing, squash, volleyball, basketball, and sailing.

Intramural athletics will be offered through the Dean's Office. Interested students should sign up in the Dean's Office, Lehman Hall basement.

For further information on anything mentioned in this calendar, come in to the Dean's Office in the Lehman Hall basement, or call 495-2931.

The Pool Hall on the second floor of the Freshman Union will be open from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., 7 days a week, $2/table/hour with maximum of 4 persons per table. You must present Summer School ID.

NOTE: The following abbreviations are used for Registration/Course/Dorm information: 8D Eight-week day courses; 8E: Eight-week evening courses; 41: Session I (4 weeks); 4II: Session II (4 weeks).

July 21-Friday

MIXER: 8:30 pm.-midnight, Lehman Hall. For Summer School Students ($1) and guests ($2). Refreshments .25

Harvard Summer School Film Series: "Paper Chase", Science Center B, 8and 10:15 pm.

4I-Last day of classes.

Film: Ukrainian Institute-'White Bird with a Black Spot" 7:30 pm. Science Center, Free. Dance Concert: Indani and- her daughter Sukanya perform classical dances of India. 8 pm. Memorial Hall. Free.

July 22-Saturday

Beach Trip: Bus trip to Singing Beach. Tickets $3. at the Dean's Office, Lehman Hall Basement. Leaves Johnston Gate at 9 am., returns at 4 pm.

Harvard Summer School Film Series: "Paper Chase", Science Center B. 8 and 10:15 pm.,$1.

Souther African Solidarity Committee Film: "Grande Illusion", Science Center C, 7:30 and 10pm.. $1.25.

July 22-Saturday

Dance Concert: See yesterday's listings.

July 23-Sunday

4II-Registration. File final Study card and pay bill. 3-5 pm., Memorial Hall. Memorial Church Service 11am. The preacher will be the Reverend Judith L. Hoehler.

Harvard - Radcliffe Hillel Graduate and Young Professional Society. Brunch,11 am.,in PBH. Speaker: Michael Kort, "Affirmative Action and the Jewish Community." $2. admission.

July 24-Monday

41-Final examinations. 9:15 am. 4II-Classes begin.

Concert: Chamber Orchestra. Works of Shoenberg, Gershwin and Mozart. 8:30 pm. Sander's Theater. Free.

Radcliffe Forum: "The Changing Psychological Profile of American Women', Professors C. Nadelson and H. Rubenstein: Cronkhite Graduate Center, noon.

July 27-Thursday

Radcliffe Forum: "Is there a Distinctive Female Language", Professors P. Spacks and C. Gilligan; Cronkhite Graduate Center, noon.

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