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The Joyce-Maynard-is-21,-The-Sixties-Are-History Quiz

By Seth M. Kupferberg and Tom Lee

The reading period quiz is a little premature this term, but so was Joyce Maynard's autobiography. She's off in the New Hampshire woods, but as we, too, look backward, those happy times of Super-balls and X-15s seem gone beyond nostalgia--they're already history.

And history seems to be repeating itself. Jackie is a widow again, the president wants to help the Vietnamese. Nixon wants to be a rosing ambassador. And soon, Charlie Manson will be up for parole.

Answer while you can.


1 According to '60s rumors, which two larger-than-life figures were dead?

2 Who is this man, who tried to put him in jail in 1968, and for what?

3 In a 1969 popularity poll among Catholic college graduates, Jesus finished fifth, edging out Eugene McCarthy, Bob Hope. Winston Churchill, Dr. Tom Dooley and President Nixon. Who were the four men ahead of Him?

4 Three years earlier, who said: "We're more popular than Jesus now"? What was the reaction of Boston's Richard Cardinal Cushing?

5 Who said: "My goal is at the age of 35 to act like I'm 15"?

6 In 1968, who threatened to have "Yippie girls dressed up as whores, but young, you know, and nice" slip LSD into convention delegates' drinks, recruit "Yippie studs whose job is to seduce the delegates' wives and daughters," and spike Chicago's water supply with LSD?

7 What San Francisco stripper gained fame by injecting silicon into her breasts?

8 Who was the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 1964, and what is he doing today?

9 What early '60s comedy record album became a runaway best-seller, then vanished overnight in November 1963?

10 In 1965, General Nguyen Cao Ky, then head of the Saigon government, revealed that he had only one hero. Who was it?

11 What was Timothy Leary's credo?

12 Who said: "I want to say this to you whites in the audience, and whites everywhere, that if you think there were riots after Martin Luther King was killed, this nation won't survive if anything happens to Adam Clayton Powell"?

New Frontiers

13 What did President Kennedy describe as "a struggle of Cuban patriots against a Cuban dictator"?

14 Who said: "We're eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked"?

15 What ransom did the U.S. pay Cuba for the prisoners taken at the Bay of Pigs?

16 Who said: "If we have to start over again, with another Adam and Eve. I want them to be Americans and not Russians, and I want them on this continent, and not in Europe"?

17 William Henry Nelson defected to Cuba in 1963, explaining that, "America never did anything for me." In 1968, he drifted back to the U.S. on an inner tube. Why?

18 What comment by a Soviet cosmonaut was censored from replays on Soviet television during the 1969 docking of Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5?

19 Who were the three astronauts killed when their capsule burned up in 1967?

Up Against the Berlin Wall

20 Who was the pilot of the U-2 spy plane shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960?

21 How many shots did North Vietnamese vessels fire at U.S. ships in the incident President Johnson cited to justify the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

22 What presidential candidate suggested "defoliation of the forests by low-yield atomic weapons" as a possible Vietnam strategy?

23 What Vietnam policy did Gen. Curtis LeMay advocate?

24 How long did it take negotiators to agree on the shape of a table for the Paris peace talks?

25 Who commanded the American ship seized by North Korea in 1968, and what was the name of the ship?

26 In January 1967, a platoon of Chinese soldiers staged daily marches to the Soviet border, where they turned, dropped their pants, and aimed their buttocks at the Soviet troops on the other side. How did the Soviet Union discourage this traditional Chinese insult?

27 According to J. Edgar Hoover, who was "the most notorious liar in the country," a "moral degenerate," and probably also a "secret Communist"?

28 Who banged his shoe on a United Nations table?

29 What presidential hopeful in 1968 explained inconsistencies in his Vietnam position by revealing he had been "brainwashed," and what was Eugene McCarthy's comment?

30 What Caribbean nation did President Johnson save from Communism in 1965?


31 How did Madame Nhu describe the Buddhist monks who burned themselves to death to protest her brother-in-law's regime?

32 Who was the first Czech student to burn himself to death to protest the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?

The Great Society

33 Who said: "I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"?

34 Who told an NAACP convention in 1963: "There are no ghettoes in Chicago"?

35 Who said: "Burn, baby, burn"?

36 What were Freedom Riders?

37 What were Reverse Freedom Riders?

38 In 1964, four white men in McComb, Miss. pleaded guilty to bombing black people's homes. What was their sentence?

39 Who called the first Kennedy assasination "chickens coming home to roost"?

40 Who integrated the University of Mississippi?

41 What was Cook County State's Attorney Edward V. Hanrahan best known for?

42 Who said: "The only position for women in the movement is prone"?

Blood and Guts

43 Who said: "Violence American as cherry pie"?

44 Who ordered police after the killing of Martin Luther King to "shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand...and to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting"?

45 Who said: "Get the thing straight once and for all. The policeman isn't there to create disorder. The policeman is there to preserve disorder"?

46 Who said: "When they yelp, it's not a sign of pain, it's a sign of joy"?

47 Who said: "You can get an extra billion for a B-70 bomber program, but it's difficult to get ten dollars for disarmament. I happen to think we need both"?

48 What colonel in 1969 admitted that he didn't hate his Vietnamese enemy, but hastily added that he did "like to see the arms and legs fly"?

49 Who challenged the Black Panther Party to a shoot-out and promised to alleviate racial tension in Philadelphia by putting "a tank on every street-corner"?

50 Not counting U.S. presidents or military leaders, name five mass murderers of the '60s.

51 Name five victims of '60s political assasinations.

Arts and Leisure

52 How did artist Jean Tinguely inaugurate the decade of conceptual, non-buyable art at the Museum of Modern Art?

53 When the Mona Lisa visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1963, how long were visitors allowed to puzzle over her mysterious smile?

54 In 1968, how did Yves St-Laurent announce he was protesting the Vietnam War?

55 Early in the '60s, what famous novelist and what famous movie star either killed themselves or were murdered by the CIA?

56 Name five of the ten top-rated television shows from 1964.

57 According to the Rolling Stones, who killed the Kennedys?

58 Who was the middle-aged woman whose screeching recording of "Downtown" sold 250.000 copies in 1966?

59 Place the following in chronological order: A)Dr. No the first James Bond movie B) Leonard Bernstein's fund-raising party for the Black Panthers C) A Separate Peace. D) the first topless bathing suit. E) the first moon-walk. F) Catch-22. G) The first heart transplant. H) Telstar. I) The Northeast power failure J) The Great Profetarian Cultural Revolution and Bob Dylan's motorcycle crash.

60 Who told a ping-pong opponent, "If you beat me. I'll give you Cuba," and on another occasion decreed that since the baseball team he was pitching for was losing, the game would go into extra innings?

61 What professional football player inspired the question: "Will he be traded to Cleveland or stick it out in Dallas"?

General Knowledge

62 In 1964, what did presidential candidate Barry Goldwater propose to do with The Eastern Seaboard?

63 Who said: "Many Americans don't like simple things. That's what they have against we conservatives"?

64 What happened to Cleveland's Cuyahoga River in 1969?

65 Who was J. D. Lippitt?

66 What kind of age did Robert Frost say the Kennedy mauguration heralded?

67 How did Philadelphia district attorney. Arlen Spector propose to attack the problem of homosexual rape in local jails?

68 Why did residents of Forest Hills N. Y. cut down a grove of trees in a Kew Gardens park in 1969.

69 At the Chteago Seven trial lawyer William Kunstler discovered while opening mail that supporters had sent defendants a packet of marijuana. When Judge Julius Hoffman told him to dispose of the packet, what did Kunstler promise to do with it?

70 Place the following in chronological order: A) French student worker revolt. B) Nixon's "last Press Conference." C) New York Mets World Series victory. D) Supreme Court ruling outlawing prayer in public schools. E) In the Heat of the Night. F) Roger Maris's 61st home run. G) Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed. H) Miniskirts. I) The Pill. J) Medicare.

71 On what grounds did Adolf Eichmann appeal his 1961 conviction for complicity in six million murders?

Bonus Question

Where were YOU when YOU heard that President Kennedy had been shot?

'Let the Word Go Forth...' `````

1. Paul and God.

2. Dr. Benjamin Spock: Attorney-General Ramsey Clark: conspiracy to violate selective service laws.

3. John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Pope John XXIII.

4. Beatle John Lennon. Cushing said he was probably right.

5. Jerry Rubin.

6. Abbie Hoffman.

7. Carol Doda.

8. William E. Miller: endorsing American Express cards on TV commercials by asking "Hil Do you know me?"

9. The First Family.

10. Hitler.

11. "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out."

12. Adam Clayton Powell.

13. The Bay of Pigs invasion.

14. Dean Rusk, during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

15. $28 million in tractors.

16. Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga.), supporting the ABM in 1969.

17. "Cuba didn't do anything for me either."

18. "You raped me, you raped me!"

19. Virgil Grissom. Roger Chaffee, and Fd White.

20. Francis Gary Powers.

21. None, according to later reports.

22. Goldwater in 1964.

23. "Bomb 'em back to the Stone Age."

24. Two months.

25. Lloyd Bucher, the Purbka

26. By erecting large portraits of Mae

27. Martin Luther King

28. Nikita Khruschev

29. Romney: "I think a fight rinsing should have been sufficient."

30. The Dominican Republic.

31. "Just barbecued bonzes."

32. Jan Palach.

33. Alabama governor George Wallace, in his 1963 inaugural address.

34. Mayor Richard Daley.

35. Stokely Carmichael.

36. Buses of civil rights workers in the early '60s.

37. Buses to the North for the resettlement of blacks, funded by the White Citizens Councils of New Orieans. Shreveport, and Little Rock.

38. Suspended.

39. Malcolm X.

40. James Meredith and several battalions of National Guardsmen.

41. Ordering the raid in which police killed Black Panther leader Fred Hampton.

42. Stokely Carmichael.

43. H. Rap Brown.

44. Mayor Daley.

45. Mayor Daley.

46. President Johnson, while pulling the ears of pet beagies Him and Her.

47. Hubert Humphrey.

48. George S. Patton III.

49. Frank Rizzo.

50. Charles Manson, Lieut, William Calley, Richard "Chicago Nurse" Speck. Charles "Texas Tower" Whitman, and Albert "Boston Strangler" DeSolve.

51. John Kennedy. Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King. Lee Harvey Ornald. Malcolm X. Diem, Nhu, George Lincoln Rockwell, Refect TrujilluHendrik Verwoerd, Medgar Evers, Patrice Lumumba, Viola Liuzzo, Rev. James Reed and Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman were among the best known.

52. By demonstrating a machine that destroyed itself.

53. Ten seconds.

54. By making black his color of the season.

55. Ernest Hemingway (1961) and Marilyn Monroe (1962).

56. The Beverly Hillbillies, Bonanza, Dick Van Dyke, Ed Sullivan, Petticoat Junction, Andy Griffith. Lucy, My Favorite Martian, Danny Thomas, and Gunsmoke.

57. After all, it was you and me.

58. Mrs. Elva Miller.

59. C. 1960; F. 1961; H. 1962; A. 1963; D. 1964; J. 1965; I. 1966; G. 1967; B. 1968; E. 1969.

60. Fidel Castro.

61. Confessed exhibitionist and wide receiver Lance Rentzel.

62. "Saw it off and let it float out to sea."

63. Barry Goldwater.

64. It caught fire.

65. Dallas police officer shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

66. "A new Augustan age.

67. By arresting offenders.

68. To make it less attractive to homosexuals.

69. Take it home and burn it.

70. I. 1960; F. 1961; B. 1962; D. 1963; H. 1964; G. 1965; J. 1966; E. 1967; A. 1968; C. 1969.

71. "I was just a train dispatcher." Eichmann explained. "I was only following orders."

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