Holcombe Says He Will Ask For Arbitration on Suspension

A Currier House dining Hall worker who is trying to base a one day University imposed suspension removed from his record said yesterday he will take his case into arbitration for final resolution.

Sherman. L. Holcombe, a week and shop steward at Radcliffe for local 186 of the Cooks and Pastry Cooks Association said. "I refuse to let them put this mark against my record.

William N. Mullins management employee relations, denied Holcombe and the union's attempts to revoke the suspension after a hearing Tuesday.

Mullins said yesterday, "A one-day suspension is warranted

Holcombe said Mullins "doesn't talk common sense"

Holcombe was originally suspended in January for three days without pas after his supervisors alleged he had harassed them and organized employers meetings on Company time.

He denies the charges saving the actions his supervisors objected to were part of his normal duties as a shop steward.

Last month, after a hearing Mullins reduced the suspension from three days to one

Mullins said yesterday he had reduced the suspension because Joseph Stefani, the business agent of the union had convinced him to take into account Holcombe's "newness as a shop steward."

Holcombe became a shop steward last tall. He has said for the last several weeks he will not accept any permanent suspension

Richard Coleman Holcombe's union lawyer, said yesterday it is not "one hundred per cent decided" whether the case will go to arbitration, although the union will probably request at.

According to the union's contract with Harvard, any grievance must go to arbitration if either the union of the University wants it to.

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