Students Petition Ebert

An October 25 letter petitioning Robert H. Ebert, dean of Medical School faculty, to change the date of Class Day charges that the traditional Saturday ceremony infringes upon religious observances of Jewish students.

The administrators could reschedule class day, which is traditionally held after alumni reunions on Thursday and Friday, on Sunday afternoon or Memorial Day, the petition said.

Alvin Poussaint, Associate dean for student affairs in the Medical School, said yesterday that, "If this were one isolated instance I would be inclined to favor the request, but this petition raises the whole question of Saturday classes for Jews in a general form."

Paul S. Appelbaum, a fourth year medical student, circulated the petition which has 46 signatures. Applebaum said yesterday, that orthodox students walk to services in Brookline and then return for Saturday classes where religious beliefs prevent their taking notes.

But it is almost impossible to return from religious services in time to attend class day ceremonies, Applebaum said. Many medical schools, including Columbia, manage to avoid all Saturday class conflicts, he added.

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