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The Guess-What's-Just-Around-the-Corner Quiz

By Seth M. Kupferberg and Tom Lee

Traditionally, The Crimson has provided a reading period Oldies Quiz. As an austerity measure, this service was cut back this year. We can only apologize, cite the rising price of vinyl, and ask for our readers' understanding.

But we still thought you might need cheering up, halfway through exams. However bad things are now, they could be worse. In fact, theysoon will be.

Facts and Figures

1. In early 1929, Goldman Sachs and Co.stock sold for 222.50 a share. In early 1932, what price did a share of the stock sell for?

2. What is the all-time Dow Jones high, and when was it reached?

3. What was the Dow Jones average when it hit a 12-year low in December 1974?

4. H.Ross Perot suffered probably the largest one-day financial loss in history, when speculators sold his stock short in 1970. How much did he lose, and how much did he have left?

5. On February 1, two major periodicals will raise their prices, one from 20 to 25 cents and the other from 50 to 75. What are they?

6. What does Penn Central claim to be losing a day?

7. What major nation has the lowest rate of inflation in the West, and what is the rate?

8. Who said: "I don't have millions-only millions of Yugoslavs"?

9. How much will the Air Force pay for each new YF-16 fighter?

10. How much did the New York Yankees reportedly offer Jim "Catfish" Hunter?


11. On October23,1929, how many well-known stock speculators committed suicide before noon?

12. How did the president of Rochester Gas and Electric Kill himself?

13. By the end of 1929, what did hotel clerks supposedly ask customers trying to register for rooms?

14. Early in 1930, two men killed themselves by jumping from a window, hand in hand. Why?

15. According to a Depression joke, what did you get with each share of Goldman Sachs and Company stock?

The Other Depression

16. When was Black Thrusday?

17. Why did Babe Ruth say he deserved a higher salary than President Hoover?

18. What crimes by unemployed veterans camping in the streets of Washington did the Attorney-General cite, calling in the Army to evict them?

19. What was the veterans'theme song?

20. Who analyzed the eviction of the veterans: "MacArthur has decided to go into action in the field. There is incipient revolution in the air"?

21. What presidential candidate analyzed the eviction: "Thank God we still have a government in Washington that still knows how to deal with a mob"?

22. Which mayor of New York promised to "preserve the metropolis from the Red Army"?

23. What newspaper publisher wrote: "Whenever you hear a prominent American called a 'Fascist,' you can usually make up your mind that the man is simply a loyal American who stand up for Americanism"?

24. Why did Clarence Darrow say he would rather be a friend of the working man than a working man?

25. In 1930, Simeon D. Fess, chairman of the Republican National Committee, announced that a conspiracy was afoot to embarrass the administration through the stock market. What evidence did he cite for this belief?

26. What did Nicholas "Miraculous" Butler, president of Columbia University, predict would "end the slump"?

27. What was the Blue Eagle?

28. What were "payless paydays"?

29. Early in the Depression, an apple-growers' association conceived the idea of selling apples on consignment to unemployed workers. How did President Hoover describe this development?

30. Which president analyzed his predecessor: "Hoover had the misfortune to hold office at the wrong time"?

Whip Inflation Now

31. Who said: "This is damn tough"?

32. Who said, in October 1974, "I am not, Emphasizing not, asking you for any increase in gas taxes"? What was a central plank in the economic program he announced last week?

33. According to Ford, What is "Public Enemy No.1"?

34. According to Ford, what are "the three domestic devils"?

35. At his first presidential press conference, Ford offered wageearners hurt by inflation two bits of advice. The first was to tighten their belts. What was the second?

36. What did Ford say is "in the great tradition of the American town hall"?

37. According to Ford's address at the end of his economic summit conference, Who helps those who help themselves?

38. Although Ford said he trusted "we can avoid blood and tears, and we will," what two partial substitutes did he offer "plenty of"?

39. Ford asked people to list ten ways to save money and fight inflation--"little things that become a habit." To what two uses did he ask people to put the lists?

40. What did Ford promise to award the most successful "citizens actions committees"?

41. According to Ford, what is "one final thing that all Americans can do, rich or poor..."?

42. According to Ford, what is the most important weapon in the fight against inflation?

43. According to Ford's State of the Union speech, what is the state of the union not?

44. What does WIN stand for?

45. In addition to WIN buttons, some people have reportedly taken to wearing BATH buttons. What does BATH stand for?

Not By Bread Alone

46. Who analyzed the 1929 Depression: "Nobody is actually starving. The hoboes, for example, are better off than they have ever been. One hobo in New York got ten meals in one day"?

47. What does former Sen. Peter Dominick say Ugandans would "just as soon eat" as American wheat?

48. In light of the world food shortage, what does Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz say Americans should do with their pets? What side benefit might this have?

49. According to the Department of Agriculture, what per cent of all American pet food is currently eaten by people?

50. Who said: "If they don't like my menu, I may be back with some tough turkey"?

51. During the 1929 Depression, how did Princeton eating clubs contribute to the battle against starvation?

52. Who said: "I read in the encyclopedia that Ghana exports most of the world's cocoa. I just love chocolate"?

53. Who said: "Farmers should raise less corn and more hell"?

54. When President Hoover begged the American Legion's 1932 convention not to insist on early payment of veterans' bonuses, what chant greeted his please?

55. Why did Hoover say it was important for him to continue to eat a seven-course dinner every night, especially when millions of Americans were hungry?

Rich Folks

56. Why does the Shah of Iran say he believes his people are destined for wealth?

57. Farah Pahlavi, Express of Iran, notes that her husband is "interested in Iran's GNP." With what complementary problem does she profess to deal?

58. Who was the White Knight of Wall Street, whose bid of 207 for U.S Steel temporarily halted the Crach of 1929? What did he call a "perfect institution"?

59. In what less than perfect institution did he end up? Why?

60. When a group of California leftists asked H. Ross Perot to "finance the revolution," how did he respond?

61. What amendment to the American constitution did H.L.Hunt recommend in his book, Alpaca?

62. Who said: "The best guarantee of efficiency is a long line at the factory gate"? At his trial for stock fraud, what brought tears to several jurors' eyes?

63. According to legend, how did H.L. Hunt win his first oil well?

64. What did Henry Ford describe as "the best education in the world for those boys," converying "more experience in a few months than they would in a year of school"?

65. Who said: "The Japanese are waiting in the wings..."?

66. In the summer of 1971, what did President Richard M. Nixon say he would do with his money--if he had any?

67. Who said: "My sons and I are putting money in sound common stocks"?

68. Who said: "The Good Lord gave me my money and how could I withhold it from the University of Chicago?"

69. What was the "American Beauty Rose" of flower-lower John D. Rockefeller?

70. During the 1929 Depression, what was John D. Rockefeller's favorite charitable activity?

71. Why did Nelson Rockefeller have the Diego Rivera mural he commissioned removed from the RCA Building?

72. During his vicepresidential confirmation hearings 40 years later, why did Rockefeller reportedly say it would be foolish to regard his family as excessively wealthy?

73. Who said: "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half"?

74. Who said: "Don't get the idea I'm one of those Goddam radicals. Don't get the idea I'm knocking the American system"?

75. What did President Franklin D. Rosevelt '04 say was the only thing Americans had to fear? At that time, how many million Americans were unemployed?


76. What presidential candidate announced: "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land"?

77. Why did financial sages in 1929 say there could never be another Crash of 1907?

78. Why did financial sages in 1970 say there could never be another Crach of 1929?

79. Thorstein Veblen invested in an oil stock a few years before his death in 1929. What happened to his investment?

80. Whose annual report to Congress revealed that 1973 could begin "a sustained period of strong growth, full employment and price stability"?

81. Which secretary of agriculture announced in September 1973: "Prices are getting down now to a fairly stable level"?

82. Who said of investment,in May 1973, "We have gone from an expansion to a boomlet to a boom"?

83. What magazine announced, in January 1973, "All signs continue to point to a banner year for the economy"?

84. Who said, in June 1974, "In the remainder of the year output will be rising more rapidly, prices will be rising much less rapidly and the unemployment rate, while it will probably rise further, will not reach a very high level before it recedes"?

85. Who said: "This administration was elected to control inflation..."?

86. Who promised in March 1973: "As far as I'm concerned,this is the las devaluation"?

87. What magazine recently advised people to buy stocks because "stock prices have gone up when the skirt lengths have shortened--and vice versa"?

88. What skier last month called gasoline taxes"about as dead an option as anything I know?"

89. Who said last month: "We are not in an economic crisis"?

90. Who said: "Prosperity is just around the corner"?

91. In May 1970, President Nixon met with Stock Exchange members alarmed by Dow Jones's sharp decline. At the meeting, what did Nixon cite as the latest reason for confidence in America and optimism about it economy?

92. What president said: "I can't make a damn thing out of this tax problem. I know somewhere there is a book that will give me the truth, but hell! I couldn't read the book"?

93. Which president said: "The man who builds a factory builds a temple. The man who works there worships there"?

94. What did Nixon label "the greatest, most powerful weapon against high prices in the country"?

95. When Karl Marx was a senior in college, what did his father want him to do?

96. Who said: "What's good for the country is good for General Motors, and vice versa"?

97. What is a "Hooverville"?

98. What is a "Nixonburger"?

99. Which Harvard president sent students to break the Boston police strike and chaired the commission that upheld the electrocution of Sacco and Vanzetti?

100. Who said: "Students at Harvard don't have to worry about getting jobs when they graduate. Now is you went to Ball State University in Muncie, Ind.then you might have to worry about getting a job, but you don't have to worry here at Harverd"?

There are no easy answers. 1. $1.75 a share. 2. 1052, January 1973 3. 578. 4. $450 million; $1 billion. 5. The Wall Street Journal and Barrons. 6. $1 million. 7. West Germany;6.5 per cent. 8. Marshall Tito, denying that he is a millionaire. 9. $6.7 million apiece--and that's a bargain. 10. $3.75 million over five years. 11. Eleven. 12. Gas, of course. 13. Whether they wanted rooms for sleeping or for jumping. 14. They had a joint account. 15. A free revolver. 16. October 23,1929. 17. He "had a better year." 18. "Begging and other acts." 19. My bonus lies over the ocean, My bonus lies over the sea, Tey gave all the dough to the Frenchmen, And n w they've got nothing for me." 20. Mac Arthur. 21. Hoover. 22. John J. O'Brien. 23. William Randolph Hearst. 24. "It's a lot easier." 25. "Every time an Administration official gives out an optimistic statement about business conditions, the market immediately drops." 26. "Courage." 27. The symbol of the NRA. 28. Payless paydays. 29. "Many people have left their jobs for the more profitable one of selling apples." 30. Nixon. 31. Ford,while meeting with economic advisors at Vail, Colo. 32. Ford, Gas taxes. 33. Inflation. 34. Inflation, recession,and the energy crisis. 35. "Count every penny." 36. Economic summit conference. 37. God. 38. Toil and sweat. 39. Exchange them with neighbors and send them to him. 40. WIN flags. 41. "Share with others." 42. "The spirit of the American people." 43. Good. 44. Whip Inflation Now. 45. Back Again to Hoover. 46. Hoover. 47. Each other." 48. Eliminate them. More pet food for people. 49. 27 per cent. 50. President Ford, addressing the Future Farmers of America. 51. They instructed their servants to see that the clubs' garbage went to the poor. 52. Shirley Temple Black,ambassador to Ghana. 53. Mary Lease, Kansas populist, 1890. 54. "We want beer!" 55. Changing his habits would be bad for morale. 56. "They can learn so quickly with their hands they are like monkeys." 57. Gross National Happiness. 58. Richard Whitney; the New York Stock Exchange. 59. Sing Sing Prison; embezzlement. 60. "How long will it take and how much will it cost?" 61. Wealthy people should have multiple votes. 62. Samuel Insull. The testimony of bankrupt stockbrokers--but he was acquitted anyway. 63. In a poker game. 64. Riding freight cars. 65. Henry Ford II. 66. Buy stocks. 67. John D. Rockefeller. 68. Jojn D. Rockefeller. 69. American big business. 70. Dsitributing dimes among children. 71. He disapproved of the picture of Lenin. 72. He observed that the average Arab oil country makes more in a single day than his family does in a year. 73. Jay Gould, robber baron. 74. Al Capone, gangster. 75. Fear itself; between 14 and 17 million. 76. Hoover, in 1928. 77. The Federal Reserve System. 78. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities Exchange Commission, and the Federal Reserve System. 79. The company was cited in oil scandals, and stock became worthless within months of Veblen's investment. 80. Nixon. 81. Earl Butz. 82. Walter Heller, former chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors. 83. Time. Other magazines said much the same thing. 84. Nixon. 85. Nixon, in 1973. 86. Federal Reserve Board chairman Arthur Burns. 87. Time. 88. President Ford. 89. President Ford. 90. President Hoover. 91. The American invasionof Cambodia. 92. Harding. 93. Coolidge. 94. "The American Housewife." 95. Go to law school. 96. Charles Wilson,secretary of defense a d GM chairman. 97. A shanty town in the early 1930s. 98. Only F. Donald Nixon knows for sure, probably mostly cereal. 99. A Lawrence Lowell. 100. President Derek C. Bok.

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