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'Paine Hall' Made Headlines...


ate students, and that plans for devising Afro-American study specialties within existing departments were not sufficient.

The Admissions Office said that it would stretch its application deadline for New York City students to give them a chance to recover from the persistent teachers' strike.

November 23: Harvard beat Yale, 29-29.

November 25: Seymour Martin Lipset, professor of Government and Social Relations, offered another alternative in the ROTC quandary. Lipset said he would ask the Faculty to endorse a non-binding student referendum on ROTC's fate at Harvard. He explained that he wanted the Faculty to have some other resolution to consider besides the SDS-backed motion that Hilary Putnam planned to present.

Students from a Soc Rel 136 section painted the bare wooden walls surrounding renovated Harvard Hall, despite the attempts of a Harvard hall despite the attempts of a Harvard policeman to stop them. The policeman succeeded, however, in taking the painters' bursar's cards.

November 26: The SFAC accepted a resolution for ending ROTC's academic credit. By a 13-3 vote, the council passed a measure essentially the same as the HUC's, calling for the end of academic credit, Corporation appointments, course catalogue privileges, and free building use.

Following long-standing Faculty tradition, Dean Ford told SDS members that they could not attend the Faculty's December 3 meeting on ROTC. Ford said that University rules limited meeting attendance to Faculty members and selected visiting scholars.

Claiming that they were part of a movement to "make Harvard more liveable," 15 Cliffies ate lunch in the Freshman Union. Dean of Freshmen F. Skiddy von Stade said the invasion was "just plain impolite."

Whitney Young, director of the Urban League and winner of a Harvard honorary degree, castigated an audience of Harvard students for their apathy about racial problems. Young said that the sparse attendance at his lecture showed Harvard's general lack of interest in civil rights.


December 1: The long-anticipated Harvard-Radcliffe bus made its first run. Harvard agreed to underwrite the expenses of a three-week trial period to see if the bus could support itself through ten-cent fares.

Word leaked out from Washington that Henry Kissinger, professor of Government, might soon leave Cambridge to become President Nixon's national security advisor.

December 2: Nixon confirmed the Kissinger rumors.

Students from six campus organizations argued about ROTC at a public panel discussion. HUC, HRPC and SFAC representatives said that ROTC should lose its credit; SDS said that ROTC should leave; YPSL said that students should vote on ROTC; and an Army ROTC cadet said he "couldn't argue on these terms."

The 18 residents of Radcliffe's Avon House--13 Cliffies, the resident couple plus four-year-old son, the janitor, and the maid--applied as a group for admission to Yale. The Cliffies said they were tired of being "second-class citizens" at Harvard, but they also said they wouldn't move south unless. Yale accepted their whole group.

December 3: The Faculty began its debate on ROTC, but postponed any decisions until a special December 12 meeting. About 150 SDS members demonstrated outside the meeting and chanted "ROTC Must Go." Inside, few Faculty members supported that position. Most criticized the SDS stand of else discussed the merits of ROTC's academic status. SDS plans to march through the galleries of the Faculty meeting were thwarted by a burly Buildings and Grounds employee who blocked marchers at the door.

Outsted Peruvian president Fernando Belaunde Terry, who had recently been made a visiting professor of City and Regional Planning at the Design School, said he would offer a course on South American planning in the Spring term.

December 4: The CEP, considering what ROTC proposal it should submit to the Faculty, informally agreed to recommend that the Faculty form a special committee to investigate ROTC.

Section men from Soc Rel 148 laid plans for a follow-up course to continue radical dialogue in the Spring term. The Soc Rel department looked over a tentative plan for the new course and asked the section men to clear up touchy questions of "radical bias" in the course.

December 5: While special committees of the Radcliffe Union of Students were studying ways to merge their college into Harvard, the Radcliffe administration went ahead with building plans in the Quad. Mrs. Bunting said that for $2 million the college could build an underground coffee shop linking Bertram and Eliot Halls, as well as renovate the interiors of the two dorms.

December 6: Another look at the Radcliffe budget showed disturbing signs. For the first time in more than a decade, Radcliffe had run an operating deficit in 1967-68, and even the planned 15 per cent increase in student fees did not appear likely to head off a bigger deficit in 1969-70.

December 7: Sixty black students from Harvard and Radcliffe confronted Mrs. Bunting and demanded quick action on student grievances. The black Cliffies had presented Mrs. Bunting with a list of demands two weeks earlier and claimed that she had promised to answer them by December 5. The demands included admitting 30 black Cliffies for the class of 73 and guaranteeing wider financial support.

SDS once more demanded that students be admitted to the Faculty's special meeting on ROTC. Dean Ford once more turned down the demand. SDS members said they were not sure whether they would try to enter the meeting by force.

HUC and RUS shifted their attention to co-ed living. Hoping for a Harvard-Radcliffe housing exchange in the Spring term, the groups circulated questionnaires to see which students would be willing to move.

December 9: Black Cliffies again demanded a statement from Mrs. Bunting on Radcliffie admission policies. While 100 black students demonstrated outside of Memorial Church, the Radcliffe Ad Hoc Committee of Black Students extended Mrs. Bunting's deadline for answering until December 12.

Several ROTC cadets revealed that they had testified before the CEP to ask that ROTC be retained at Harvard. The cadets said that ROTC courses" and that getting rid of courses" and that getting rid of courses" and that getting rid of ROTC would restrict students' freedom of choice. Meanwhile, the HUC drew together a panel for an open meeting on ROTC late in the week. Representatives of several ROTC standpoints--including Dean Ford, Rogers Albritton of the SFAC, James Q. Wilson of the CEP, and Hilary Putnam--all agreed to talk on the panel.

December 10: Mrs. Bunting hurriedly flew back from a conference in North Carolina when 25 black Cliffies sat in at Fay House, the Radcliffe administration building. Mrs. Bunting told the students that the college had specially alloted $5000 for recruiting blacks, and that the Admission office would keep taking black Cliffies in next year's class. The demonstration then broke up, and one black Cliffie said "we have gotten what we came for."

As the Faculty's special ROTC meeting neared, some members of the CEP revealed the plan they would recommend. Instead of immediately withdrawing academic credit, the CEP suggested that Harvard start negotiations with the Pentagon, forcing the ROTC courses to re-apply individually for credit in established departments. Colenel Pell of the Army ROTC said that the proposal "made good sense. I can't think of anything they could have done that would have pleased me more."

SDS also made its plans for the ROTC meeting. At a late night meeting, SDS members decided to try to enter the Faculty's debate in Paine Hall. Most students at the SDS meeting agreed that one of the best ways to get into the Faculty meeting would be to sit in Paine Hall before the Faculty arrived. But members didn't agree on what steps to take if they could not enter.

Another Harvard Faculty member left for Washington. Richard Nixon picked Daniel Patrick Moynihan to direct his Urban Affairs Council.

December 11: In the face of SDS threats to sit-in at the Faculty's Paine Hall meeting, Dean Glimp said that the Faculty would cancel the meeting rather than attempt a showdown with the demonstrators. Glimp said that the doors of Paine Hall would not be locked to keep students from arriving before the Faculty, but he said that any such sit-in would be "a very serious offense."

Winthrop House said that some of the black performers at its upcoming Arts Festival might speak to all-black student gatherings at Harvard, but House Master Bruce Chalmers said that the House would not formerly sponsor such segregated events.

The Southern Courier, an Alabama-based civil rights newspaper founded by Harvard graduates, put out its last issue. The paper's editor, Michael Lottman '62, said that chronic debt and dwindling effectiveness convinced him to shut down the Courier.

December 12: The Faculty's special meeting on ROTC was cancelled when more than 100 student demonstrators refused to leave Paine Hall, the planned site of the Faculty meeting. Dean Glimp told an open meeting of students in the hall that they would have to leave by 2:30 p.m., warning that their presence after then would be regarded as a serious disruption of Faculty business. The students voted 115 to 81 to stay, and 132 said they would sit in the building. University police collected bursar's cards at 3 p.m., and Glimp called off the meeting.

December 13: The HUC sponsored a special forum on the Paine Hall sitin. SDS members blamed the Administration for its inflexibility, while Faculty members and administrators pleaded for "rational discussion" and denounced "groups that think they own the truth."

At the Law School, 20 students demonstrated outside the placement office while recruiters from a New York law firm talked with students inside. The demonstrators said the firm--Milban, Tweed, Hadley, and McCoy--helped oppress black people in South Africa by representing Chase Manhattan Bank, which has investments in South African industry.

December 15: Nearly 100 of the students who sat in at Paine Hall met to discuss new tactics. They decided to concentrate their efforts to winning support for anti-ROTC demands They also charged that any punishment for the sit-in would be political oppression, since "the Administration kept us out of the meeting because they want to keep ROTC." Several of the Houses conducted forums to discuss ROTC, to sit-in, and punishment for the demonstrators.

The Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee released the results of a poll showing that undergraduates overwhelmingly favored co-ed living experiments. More than 90 per cent of Harvard and Radcliffe students said they would like the University to set up optional co-ed dorms.

The Urgency of co-ed living was emphasized by the death of the Harvard-Radcliffe bus. Meager patronage made the bus lose about $30 a night, and Harvard administrators said they would not continue the costly experiment.

December 16: Black students at Radcliffe presented Mrs. Bunting with another demand, this one for a "veto power" in Radcliffe's selection of a black admissions officer.

The Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee began working on a intersession symposium to discuss Harvard's governing system. Organizers of the symposium said they hoped it would produce recommendations for revamping the overlapping systems of student organizations.

The Administration ran into another Federal funding problem. The National Science Foundation turned down Harvard's request to restore some of the money cut out of the 1969 NSF budget. Harvard said the money was necessary to maintain "a liveable level of project research."

December 17: The SFAC met for the first time since the Paine Hall sit-in and passed a motion asking for leniency for the demonstrators. Oscar Handlin walked out of the SFAC meeting after his resolution calling for stricter punishment was defeated.

The Administrative Board--which has responsibility for punishing the students--postponed any action until after Christmas vacation. Dean Glimp said that the board wanted to spend more time finding out what had happened.

December 18: Dean Ford said that the Faculty would take up its interrupted ROTC deliberations at a special meeting on January 21. Before that, however, the Faculty would consider punishment for the demonstrators. Ford scheduled another special meeting for January 14, when the Ad Board would present its punishment proposals and the Faculty would vote to accept or alter them.

While stressing its right to review the whole concept of radical education at the end of the academic year, the CEP approved plans for Soc Rel 149--a spring term follow-up to Soc Rel 148. But the CEP said that Soc Rel 149 organizers would have to explain to the Soc Rel department the suggested "direct social action" sections of the course.

December 19: John Kenneth Galbraith, writing in the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, said that Harvard's system of businessman-dominated governing boards was an anachronism. The members of the Corporation have little contact with Faculty and students and don't even serve their old purpose of protecting the University from outside "witch-hunters," Galbraith said.


January 5: Norman Mailer '43 said he would run for a seat on the Harvard Board of Overseers, challenging the slate of ten candidates officially endorsed by the Associated Harvard Alumni. Mailer supporters collected the necessary 200 alumni signatures to put their man in the race. Mailer became the second candidate--after Henry Norr '68--to enter the Overseers, race by petition.

The 21 graduate students whose bursar's cards were taken at the Paine Hall demonstration refused to tell GSAS dean J. Petersen Elder whether they heard warnings to leave the hall and whether they actually remained in the building after Dean Glimp told them to go. The students said they were resisting Elder's attempts to "single us out for punishment."

Three seniors won Rhodes Scholarships for two or three years of study at Oxford. The year before, Harvard got nine scholarships, and the year before that, Harvard got none.

January 6: A member of the Board of Overseers went to work for Richard Nixon's invitation to became Secretary of the Air Force, and said that he "would certainly like to remain on the Overseers" if Government regulations allowed him to.

While SDS and other anti-ROTC groups circulated petitions asking for amnesty for Paine Hall demonstrators, Dean Glimp said that the Faculty would probably not devise some new kind of punishment for the demonstrators. Glimp said that the Ad Board and Faculty could choose from "the full range of punishments now available," including probation, suspension, and expulsion.

January 7: After the 21 Cliffies who lost their bursar's cards in Paine Hall demanded that they be tried as a group by the Radcliffe Judicial Board the Board said that the girls would have to appear individually or not appear at all. The Board--which includes four student members--said it wanted a chance to "judge each case individually."

More than 20 Faculty members sent a letter to the Administration asking for leniency for the Harvard Paine Hall demonstrators. The signers--including Paul Martin of the Physics department, Stanley Hoffmann, and Michael Walzer--admitted that some punishment might be in order but said that none of the existing forms of punishment was appropriate for the incident.

Jane S. Britton, daughter of Radcliffe's Administrative Vice President J. Boyd Britton, was killed in her University Road apartment building.

January 8: The Harvard-Radcliffe Policy Committee came out with a report endorsing co-educational living arrangements at Harvard and Radcliffe. The report said that Cliffies and Harvard students needed chances to meet each other informally and suggested co-ed living exchanges and liberalized interhouse dining as ways to bridge the sexual gap.

The Harvard-M.I.T. Joint Center for Urban Studies said that Robert C. Wood, President Johnson's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, would become the new director of the Joint Center. Wood replaced Daniel P. Moynihan, who was leaving to go into service in Nixon's administration.

Avon House got the big No form Yale. The Yale Admissions Office, which complained that it was having a hard time just opening the letters from female students seeking admission, said that it could not accept the 18-member Avon House community, since none of the seniors in the group would be at Yale long enough to get a degree.

January 9: Members of the Com-

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