Fencing Triumph Over Yale, 16-11, Ends Dual Meets


Despite a 16-11 triumph over Yale last Saturday, the fencing team finished its season of dual meets next to last in the Ivy League. The team, with a six and seven overall record, is now preparing for the Eastern Intercollegiate Championships, March 15 and 16.

The win over Yale was the sole Ivy victory for the Crimson in the six team league. Columbia, with its perennial strength in fencing, captured the league crown.

Twelve men, four each at sabre, foil, and epee, are planning to travel to the Eastern Intercollegiate Championships at the University of Pennsylvania next week. Coach Edo Marion expects that the team will make a good showing.

Although not especially strong as a team, the fencers have had a strong trio at sabre with Roger Barzun, John Kennedy, and Paul Zygas. Marion praised Barzun as possibly best in the East.

Prospects for next year's team look good in light of an impressive, 18-9, freshman win over Yale last Saturday.

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