The Mail


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The recent RGA rules Committee Statement points out two fundamental facts this community must realize. The first is that all Radcliffe students are already responsible for themselves because, as the committee says, "no one else can accept the consequences of their behavior." Given the permissiveness of the existing rules and the practical impossibility of ever enforcing water-tight restrictions in this community, the individual is now responsible for herself whether she is mature enough for it or not. Discussion becomes confused when people question the desirability of the state of affairs.

Second, the RGA Statement says, "We need to develop effective means of dealing with personal problems, for the burden of assisting students cannot fall on any system of rules." I personally agree with those who have said undergraduates do need some guidance, certainly more than is offered them at Radcliffe. The new rules are frightening only when combined with the lack of any other supervision in cases where students desire advice.

I hope the upshot of this discussion will be an effort to make this kind of assistance available as well as to officially recognize that the rules do not and cannot supervise student conduct. Emily R. Otis '62

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