O'Connor For Senator


Candidates for Massachusetts state office have shown a disturbing ineptitude in this fall's campaign. Only Thomas J. O'Connor, Democratic candidate for Senator, has given the Commonwealth's voters any hope for improvement.

The CRIMSON endorses O'Connor's candidacy for Senator. As mayor of Springfield, he has worked energetically for urban renewal and civic reform, reinvigorating this tired city while cutting taxes. He has demonstrated an ability to learn and to grow in office--an attribute regrettably not shared by his opponent, Leverett Saltonstall.

Saltonstall has brought Massachusetts a large number of defense contracts, owing to his position as ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee. He has supported a liberal international policy, and for these two contributions deserves credit. However, his voting record on civil rights, governmental financial policies, and Social Security extension too often have followed the outmoded philosophy of Barry Goldwater.

In the gubernatorial race, Massachusetts does not stand to gain, whether Volpe or Ward triumphs; both are hack politicians. Only O'Connor can provide a change from the sterility in Massachusetts politics.

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