Swimming Team Beats Penn Taking Nine Events

Dyer Breaks 50-Second Barrier


The Crimson swimming team will swing into New Jersey today on the second half of its two-meet road show with little energy lost in a 71-15 meeting with Penn. The Tigers are expected to offer more resistance, but not enough to spoil the varsity's undefeated season.

In the Philadelphia meet, varsity captain Chouteau Dyer settled the question of the Harvard record in the 100-yard freestyle by swimming a 49.8. Previously, Dyer had swum 49.9 in an exhibition meet with the Hungarian Olympic team at MIT; this time had been questioned as a record since the meet was of doubtful official status. Dyer's time was also a Penn pool record.

Also outstanding was the 2:23.9 time turned in by Jim Hammond in the 200-yard butterfly. In last week's meet with Dartmouth, Clark won for the Indians with a 2:28.9.

Frank Gorman, who made his first varsity appearance in the Dartmouth meet where he placed second to Greg Stone on the one-meter board, came up to expected form on Penn's three-meter board. He took first with 83.5 points.

Dave Falk appeared in the 400-yard medley relay with Bill Murray, Sigo Falk and Roger Clifton. The 4:15.2 time was substantially under the Harvard record of 3:58.9 set last week.

Similarly, with Dyer absent from the 220 freestyle, sophomore Dick Seaton won with a 2:17.0, followed by Pete Macky. A1 Willis picked up the point for Penn.

Ron Mischner won the 50-yard freestyle for the Crimson in 24.2, with Stu Ogden second and Penn's Jack Gluskin third, stroke for Penn's only first, beating Bill Murray and John Trainer of the varsity.

Pete Wakely won the 200-yard back with a 2:20.1.

The Crimson won the 400-yard freestyle relay in a respectable 3:41.3. Macky, Clifton, Griff Winthrop, and Jon Lind swam for the varsity.

Less creditable was the varsity's victory in the 440-yard freestyle. Tom Cochran won with a 5:20.5, followed by Jack Casoni, and Bill Cork, both of Penn.

In the Yardlings' 42-35 victory over Williston Academy yesterday, Garry Pildner, Doug McCartney, James Perilman, and Bill Rose set a new Harvard freshman record in the 200-yard medley relay, with 1:48.8.

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