The Mail


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

On behalf of the Undergraduate Council of Dartmouth College I should like to express our sincere regrets for the immature actions of some of the Dartmouth student body during the half-time demonstration at the Dartmouth-Harvard game this past weekend. I can only hope that you and the other members of Harvard will consider these actions non-reflective of the entire Dartmouth student body.

We always look forward with great enthusiasm to this particular weekend. One of the causes for this attitude is due to the wonderful hospitality shown us by the undergraduates of Harvard. When incidents of this nature arise, therefore, we are deeply concerned that the actions of a small minority should destroy the fine relationship which exists between our two institutions.

I hope you will extend my feelings to the other members of the Harvard student body. We of Dartmouth particularly regret the actions of these few individuals, and desire that you realize such actions do not reflect the feelings of the members of Dartmouth College. Joseph B. Blake '58,   President, Undergraduate Council.

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