Lacrosse Players Will Meet Tufts Today in Away Game

A green Crimson lacrosse team will encounter an equally unseasoned Tufts squad at 2 p.m. today at Tufts. The game if not spectacular, should prove interesting, since both teams have an excess of inexperienced sophomores.

Tufts has not beaten the Crimson for eight straight years, but this season Coach Bruce Munro has expressed concern over the games' outcome. Wednesday the Jumbos defeated M.I.T. soundly by a 7-3 score to revenge a beating last year at the hands of the Engineers.

Munro's starting line-up will include Captain Dexter Lewis, Larry Coburn, and Den Davidoff in the attack positions. Lindsey Fischer, Jim Gale, and Fuzz Stewart will play the midfield; and Ellbridge Gerry; Brewster Righter, and Fred Sharf will work on the defense. The team will lack its experienced goalie, John Ogden, due to an injury suffered on the spring trip. Tom Cooney will replace him.

Munro's big problem at the present time is a lack of coordination between the attack and midfield. Theoretically, the midfield should score about half as often as the attack, but on the recently completed Southern tour the midfield scored almost no goals.

According to Munro, the Crimson defense is slightly superior to that of Tufts, while the attack and midfield on both teams are about equal. On this basis, the varsity should have a small edge over the Tufts squad.

The freshman team will open its season with a home game against Deerfleid Academy this afternoon at 2 p.m.

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