Conservatives to Meet on Protest Of Green Feather


A special meeting of the recently-formed Conservative Club has been called tonight to consider a resolution protesting Dean Watson's approval of the Green Feather anti-McCarthy campaign here.

David B. Cole '55, one of the club's founders, yesterday said he planned to introduce a resolution condemning Watson's suspension of the University regulation which permits only official undergraduate organizations to sell on distribute items on University property. The Green Feather Committee plans to sell its pins and literature in College dining halls.

"By suspending a University regulation," Cole charged, "Watson has, in effect, associated official administrative policy with the favoritism of liberal, pinkish organizations."

"The formation of the Conservative Club was met with fanatical protests from liberals before it could finally gain recognition. I think the Green Feather group should have to go through some of the red tape we went through."

Watson suspended the regulation because there was not time to recognize the group officially this term.

Cole is one of the few founders of the Club still connected with it. Many others have since resigned.

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