B-School to Have More Applicants, Same Enrollment


Although applications for the next year's class in the Graduate School of Business Administration are running at least 25 percent higher than they were last year, the Business School does not intend to admit a substantially larger class this year.

Approximately 1200 applications were submitted by Friday. But DeFred G. Folts, Associate Director of Admissions, said that the school would accept at most 650 students this fall. Last fall, 616 new first-year students registered.

Same Scholarship Aid

This figure takes into account the predicted increase in the total number of applications expected by June 1, the deadline for filing admission papers. Approximately 2400 applicants are expected at that time, as compared with about 2000 on June 1 last year.

Even if a maximum number of applicants are accepted, scholarships will increase to meet all needs, since, under the Business School's system of financial aid, any student who is admitted is eligible for monetary assistance.

"We were able to cover all requests for financial aid last year and we expect to be able to do the same this year," Folts said.

Folts explained the increase in applicants only by concluding that increasing numbers of students felt that they needed academic preparation before entering business life.

Applicants to the Business School are chosen on three main criteria: college record; personal interviews, preferably two with members of the Admissions Board; and replies given to questions in the six-page admission application blank.

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