Bruins Break Law on Frats By Travelling


Less than a week after Brown University authorities had ruled against fraternity initiations and stunts connected with them, Brown students were surreptitiously evading the edict.

By sending pledges to Harvard and surrounding colleges, the Brown fraternity men are successfully escaping the area in which the rules are being enforced.

These rules specifically state that "no fraternity initiations can be held for the rest of the year." They were made by the president of the University, Henry M. Wriston, in conjunction with fraternity officers following a riot on April 5.

An officer of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, of which President Wriston is a member, reported that the officers did not believe the sorties were against the rules. He did say, however, that sometimes the "scut" masters, those in charge of individual pledges, went overboard.

"We at the DTD house will take the proper steps to see that incidents such as this will not happen again," concluded the fraternity officer.

One of the executives of the Brown Daily Herald said he believed "quests" were a defiance of the rules, but "the rules are not defined very clearly."

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