Advertising Field Growing, Forum's Speakers Report


"Public relations and advertising are expanding fields for bright young men," William M. Pinkerton, director of the University News Office, said last night at the fifth career conference at the Dudley Students' Center.

All the speakers emphasized the importance of proficiency in handling English in advertising and public relations, and advised anyone interested in this line of work to concentrate in English or Journalism in college.

Robert L. Bliss, executive vice-president of the Public Relations Society of America, emphasized the fact that public relations is a young and rapidly growing field, loaded with opportunities. He said that the average annual income of public relations men is $13,350.

F. Stacy Holmes '31, director of public relations for William Filene's Sons Company, said that competitions for jobs in public relations is often "intense," and that many non-college men compete favorably for public relations jobs against college graduates.

"A through knowledge of English is the most important asset for an advertising man," Langley C. Keyes '24, vice-president and director of Harold Cabot and Company, insisted.

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