Yardling Soccer Team Plays Brown Today; Out for Fifth Win


Seeking its first win in four weeks, the Yardling soccer team meets Brown at Providence this afternoon.

Coach Poley Guyda is confident of his team's chances against the Cubs on the basis of good performances in scrimmages this week. Yesterday the Yardlings met the varsity and lost by only 1 to 0.

Guyda will start Lindsey Fischer as goalie, Captain Bill Laimbeer and Frank Blohm at fullbacks, John Hadik, Stacy Holmes, and Denny Little at the half-backs, outsides Rob Lorry and Godfrey Truslow, insides Dick Fisher and Bill Lingelbach, and center Dick Fisher.

After winning their first four games, the freshmen lost to Dartmouth, and tied M.I.T. and Andover.

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