Placement Office Simplifies Booklet; Hopes for Large Senior Response


Never give up, even when you graduate, is the advice the Office of Student Placement offers, in effect, in a new brochure mailed to all seniors yesterday.

Alexander Clark, director of the Office of Student Placement, suggests three ways of solving the problem of "what to do when you get out"--military service, jobs in business and industry, or graduate school.

This is an eight-page simplified version of the 32-page Placement Office pamphlet used since 1947. Clark felt the old book "was a little too long and was so well circulated that many of this year's class have already thumbed through it."

The Placement Office is trying to increase the number of seniors (normally about half the class) that come for counseling and interviews, or to use the library, which contains files on over 2,000 companies.

This week Clark will send letters to 800 concerns urging, especially the non-industrial ones, to send interviewers here. "I have tried to get a cross section," Clark said. "There will be many opportunities for non-technical men this year."

Besides job interviews, the Office sponsors spring career conferences.

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